The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2

The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2 by ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics Page B

Book: The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2 by ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics Read Free Book Online
Authors: ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics
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cry ever but I cry. Momma is moving to where I am with No-no and all the guys. Momma has no shoes and she steps on some of the guys. Momma screams and fall down like a belly flop. Her hand touches No-no and he screams loud.
     "No-no!" I say. "No-no!" He is hurt and Momma hurt, too. The noise comes up and out my mouth. I scared.
    Momma gets up. Her hand hurt. Out goes her foot and Momma kicks me in the side. I fall down. Hurt. No-no screams so loud. She kicks No-no too on the floor. He is so loud my ears hurt. I get up. I run to Momma and hold her arm. "Momma don’t," I say. Momma hits. I lay on the floor, quiet. The pretty tree shakes when Momma bumps it. She is picking up No-no's hair. He screams but she is louder.
    "JONAH," she yells loud. "STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT." Over and over. She shakes him but he still screams. I hear her breath it is hot like fires.
    Momma is pulling No-no's hair and he is going along behind. It hurts him being pulled by his hair. The Christmas tree lights blink on, off. I follow Momma and No-no. Momma pulls No-no down the hall and through Momma's room, to the baffroom. She shuts the door. I am outside but I can’t get in. I sit next to the door.
    No-no cries and cries and I hear Momma's mad. She yells and hits I think. I hear the water. No-no is hurt in there and I touch the door. Momma is still making angry noise. The water splashes. Maybe it is a bath for No-no but sometimes the water is too hot. Sounds come out of me I can’t help it. There is lots of splashes but No-no doesn’t cry now. But he's hurt and I can’t see him. My nose is stuffy but I try be quiet. I listen. I want my soldiers and my medics but I sit still.
    I hear Momma breathe. She is scared I think. I hear more water and her loud steps and I scared and I think she might come out the door. I run and go under Momma's bed, but I can see, looking out. The baffroom door opens up. Momma carries No-no. No-no's mouth is open. His face is hurt. His arms and legs flop around. He is all wet. Water drip-drips on the floor.
    Something is wrong with No-no. Momma is still mad. I can see that. She holds No-no and walks out of the room. I hear the backdoor open. She goes out. I get out from the bed and creep to where I can see out the window. Momma takes No-no outside. Then she puts No-no down. Down on the ground.
    No-no is in the snow now. I wonder is he cold. Momma bends down. She covers him up and I can’t see him. She gets up and goes away and comes back. She digs in the snow. She is there a long time, with No-no. She stands up. No-no isn't there. Momma is coming back in. I scared. I run to hide. I go under Momma's bed and then up in the bed where there is a hole. She can’t see me there.
    "CALEB!"I hear the shout, it is very loud. It is very small in the bed. Fuzzy stuff is tickly my nose but I stay quiet. I scared. I want No-no and my guys and my Mister Bear. But this time I don’t cry. Got to be quiet.
    Momma wants me. "CALEB!" That's what she says. But Momma is mad. She is in all the rooms and then in this room and she is looking under the bed. I see her eyes. They are mean. But she can’t see me. She goes in baffroom. I hear more water but she is quiet in there. When she comes out, no more mad sounds. I stay hiding. It is a long time. Momma is out, I don’t know where. My tummy hurts. It is dark. It is Momma's bedtime.
     Momma is in this room now. Moving around. Now she is getting in bed. I wiggle out of the hole in the bed but I am quiet on the floor. I wait a long time 'cuz I still scared. But then I hear Mommas breath. Momma is sleeping now.
    I crawl on the floor. No-no is outside. I crawl till I am at the backdoor. I can reach the doorknob now, I am big. I open and go out.
    Outside there is all white. It is so cold. I can’t see where No-no is. I look and I touch the snow. "No-no," I say, but not loud. The snow is shiny. Something moves and I scared but there is No-no, coming up under the snow. I dig and I dig and then I

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