The Unreasoning Mask

The Unreasoning Mask by Philip José Farmer

Book: The Unreasoning Mask by Philip José Farmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Philip José Farmer
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She was approximately two meters tall, a little over average female height.

Her black, coarse, and straight hair was in a pageboy bob. Her eyebrows

were thick and dark. The wide-spaced, slanting eyes were large and as green

as the Persian Gulf. Her skin was a soft golden-brown. The facial skin

below the eyes was paler than that above. The contrast gave her features

an almost clown-like appearance.
Al-Buraq' a crew, when on Kalafala, wore green masks, in the corner of

which was a silver-winged mule with a woman's face. The scarlet mask

that hung around her neck was the regulation color used by Pegasus's

crew. In its lower right-hand corner was a silver-winged horse.
She wore a shimmering light-green dress, knee-length, flaring out at

the waist. The sleeves came to the elbow, and the V-neck was wide and

plunging. He did not need her to tell him that she had gotten it from

a Kalafalan. Her legs and feet were bare and dirty. She carried a small

leather bag in her left hand. Her right hand was heavily bandaged.
She put the bag down and saluted. His return salute was sloppy, resembling

a gesture for her to go away.
"You look tired, Davis. You must've had a long hard journey. Sit down

before you fall down. Before you report, would you like a drink?"
She smiled, showing beautiful white teeth. Sighing, she dropped onto

the inflatable chair as if her legs had given up the ghost.
"I'd love a drink, thank you."
He gestured at the bar, installed by the hotel for its smaller and more

recent guests. "There's plenty of native liquor there. But I have a bottle

of Scotch in my case."
"Scotch will more than do."
"On the rocks?"
"Rocks? Oh, you mean . . . It's been so long. I mean . . . I've been talking

Urzint so long that I forgot . . . Yes, Scotch on the rocks."
He asked her when she had discovered that al-Buraq was in port. She said

that she'd found out a few minutes ago. She'd returned to the hotel,

gotten a room and had fallen asleep at once, hadn't even bothered to

wash. But she'd awakened about fifteen minutes later and had seen some

Earthpeople on the street through her window. She'd gone downstairs

at once, and the clerk had told her that Captain Ramstan was in his

room. She'd come up at once.
He handed her the drink and sipped on his Djinn's Delight. Then he said,

"So what happened?"
"I'm a marine biologist. I was left behind, at my request, to continue

experiments at a Kalafalan station on the northwest coast. When it was

close to the time for Pegasus to return from the Raushghol system,

I packed up, said good-bye to my Kalafalan scientist and technician

Mends, and drove off in my jeep. Its a-g generator malfunctioned about

a thousand kilometers north of here. The jeep fell, but fortunately it

was only two meters above the ground. Unfortunately, it was on the edge

of a cliff. It went into the sea. I jumped out when it struck but almost

went over the edge, too.
"I tore up the skin on my hand, enough to put my skinceiver out of operation.

My NI transceiver went with the jeep, and so I couldn't call the spaceport.

Also, I lost my TR box. I also lost my clothes. I like to sunbathe,

and so I was nude when the accident happened. I borrowed a dress from

a farm woman and started walking. Alter a week, I came to the Kurodan

River. I got passage on a fishing vessel which was returning to the

capital. And here I am."
"Pegasus hasn't returned," he said. "She was supposed to rendezvous with

al-Buraq at Sigdrauf. We waited a month for her. Then we went to Tolt,

her stop before going on to Sigdrauf. She had not showed there."
She was pale, and her voice was very low.
"What do you think . . . ?"
"I don't know. We can only assume that Pegasus is lost or has been delayed

for some reason. Perhaps she is having or had bio-mechanical troubles,

and she may be

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