The Unseen
controls his manor like an outdated warlord. Both murders went to the back shelf.”

    “What of the beautiful Victoria?” Jan asked. “She’d be spitting venom at Creech. She’s got info we need.”

    “Victoria quit the job but got taken by MI5. She’s now a spook with the equivalent rank of DCI. And you’re right, she’s eager to shaft Creech. She’s agreed to help our investigation.”

    “More likely wants to run it,” Diane said

    “If she’s a spook, she might well have other motives.” Simmy spoke without his usual smile. “She could fuck our security.”

    “Leave Victoria to me. If she’s here to play games, I’ll soon find out.”


    Victoria Lawless sat in a Spartan room and observed the woman opposite. Alice Sibree had the exterior of a professional bureaucrat, her tailored outfit and bland face able to fit on any committee or board of enquiry. To receive her total concentration was unnerving. Victoria shifted in the chair and uncrossed her legs, wishing she had a worn a longer skirt, hoping the trickle of sweat down her back would not show through her crisp white blouse. She had dressed for smart comfort on a hot day and had bound her thick dark hair into its customary French pleat, knowing the style gave boldness to her small, classical features. She wanted to impress. Alice Sibree did not sweat or wear makeup. A protracted silence hung between them before Victoria spoke again.

    “You’re asking me to go beyond the pale.”

    “It comes with the job. Occasionally every industry demands its pound of flesh. The Secret Service is no exception. But from past involvement, on this occasion your flesh is the most suitable.”

    Victoria sensed a second bead of sweat course down her lower spine. The older woman was asking her to enter a web surrounded by predators. She saw it as a possible compliment to her operational skills, or her use as cannon fodder. “What if their killer strikes again?”

    “Leave him to the police. From start the real objective of this operation is deniable. If, as I believe, Starways is involved, its financial, legal and political defence will be formidable. MI5 will not spend resources defending a hopeless position. They will close the door, Victoria, leaving the sacrificial victims outside. That’s you and me. I may be the temple priestess, but my throat will be slit along with yours. Alternatively, with success, the rewards to your career in MI5 could be significant. Your loyalty will not be forgotten. You will be giving to your nation the ability to infiltrate and control without the subject’s knowledge. We can spread a lot of good. Think of the positive directions in which we might guide the inmates of our prison services, our citizens on benefit, our hoodies, our rioters, those who should know better.”

    Victoria shifted in her seat. Those who should know better could equally mean the civil service, the security forces, the politicians. She swallowed and stayed silent. “What exactly is the brief?” she asked.

    “This operation is to manoeuvre events, minimise police damage and covertly lift the WorkWell research ahead of anyone else. That includes our American cousins, the CIA and the FBI. No doubt they all watch, but I want our finger in the pie first. This is your golden opportunity, my dear.” She smiled but Victoria saw no sincerity.

    “I would be directly answerable to you?”

    Alice nodded. “Only me.”

    “OK,” Victoria said. “But on condition that, if the killer is one of them, I have the right to terminate.”

    “Not if he’s the principal player. It might compromise our objective.”

    “You would allow another woman murdered?”

    “You have a sharp brain, Victoria. Don’t cut yourself on it,” she paused. “As in all nations, those who govern and control our country have an inner sanctum, the Community. That community has much to offer those who go the extra mile. Keep that fiery temper of yours under control and leave

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