The Vampire Laird (A Ravynne Sisters Paranormal Mystery/Romance)

The Vampire Laird (A Ravynne Sisters Paranormal Mystery/Romance) by Merabeth James Page B

Book: The Vampire Laird (A Ravynne Sisters Paranormal Mystery/Romance) by Merabeth James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Merabeth James
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luxury items smuggled from France along the south coast of Great Britain, but that was “all a lang time past,” Dougal told them, “Nou thare be ither things afoot Ah dinnae want to ken.”
    Which certainly interested Charlie, but she couldn’t pry anything more out of him. Meg gave it her best effort with the same result. “Ah’ve already said morrren an auld mon should say iffen ah wad see oot the dae. Will ye be stayin fer a wee bite of dinner wi’ me?”
    “Is haggis involved?” Meg asked with a wry smile.
    “Nae. A nip of guid whiskey, some hard cheese frae mah own cow and bread frae mah own oven. Och, and a dill pickle frae the widow Potts who has takin a loikin’ tae me.”
    They thanked him but declined. Tilda was expecting them for lunch and despite the threat of more haggis, it would have been impolite not to show up.
    He stood by the gate waving as they left. “Dinnae be walkin’ aboot after dark, lasses. Thare’s much ye should be afeart of in the nicht. Beware the Baobhan Sith…the Lady in White…she walks again since thay moved into the manor,” he called after them.
    They waved over their shoulders and kept moving. “I got less than half of what he said to us and nodding and smiling only takes me so far. Please translate that last part. It sounded kind of a creepy,” Meg said.
    “He said not to be walking about in the dark because there’s ‘much to be afraid of at night’. And to beware the Lady in White. He also gave us the best advise he knew how to give.”
    “I know…get out and take Allyn with us. Now how easy is that going to be?” Meg asked with a grimace.
    Charlie frowned thoughtfully. “We’ll know a lot more after tonight.”


    They staggered their baths so each would have enough hot water. Afterwards, their thoughts were on Allyn as they dressed for dinner at the manor. “What do you think is going to happen when he sees us?” Meg asked.
    “He had plenty of notice by now that we’re here. I’m wondering why he didn’t stop by some time today,” Charlie mused.
    “I wish we could just snatch him out of there.”
    “He’s a big boy now. We’ll have to be very careful how we handle him. If he’s in love with this…whatever she is…it may not be so easy to rescue him if he doesn’t want to be rescued,” Charlie told her with a grim smile. “I’ve been through this before with him and, believe me, there’s another side to his sunny disposition!”
    Meg’s little blue dress hugged her in all the right places, but she was eying Charlie, wistfully, as she slipped on her black sling back stiletto heels that were perfect with her deceptively simple black dress. It had looked great on their sister Rayne, but even better on Charlie with her long silver blonde hair that she had twisted into an elegant coil at the base of her neck.
    Meg sighed. She hated to admit it because it made her sound …well…petty, but she envied her sister many things. She envied her confidence…her hair that always hung like silk while hers was a riot of curls that turned to frizz at every opportunity…which, thankfully, wasn’t now. Most of all she envied her slim litheness…her grace, while she felt like she had been born with two left feet…maybe even three…and a couple of extra thumbs to boot. She sighed again. “You know you are pushing six feet in those heels, which is taller than any man we’ve met so far with the exception of our host tonight.”
    “I stopped being self-conscious about my height in the eighth grade, when I was teased by every male shrimp in my class,” Charlie told her with a grin.
    “Don’t mind me. I’m just feeling vertically challenged as usual and.a bit envious. You look gorgeous. Really gorgeous! I want to ask you something and I have no one else to ask…or I would… and I don’t want to put you on the spot and have you lie so as not to hurt my feelings.”
    “What is it, Meg?” she asked, giving her sister her complete

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