The Void of Mist and Thunder (The 13th Reality #4)

The Void of Mist and Thunder (The 13th Reality #4) by James Dashner Page B

Book: The Void of Mist and Thunder (The 13th Reality #4) by James Dashner Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Dashner
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult
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guided to his nanolocator, and this is a stop along the way.”
    Lisa was a little ashamed for wanting to hightail it out of there, but being dead wouldn’t help Tick much either. “Or maybe we’re about to be eaten for dinner by all of these monsters.”
    “Maybe. Don’t worry your little heart, girl. I have the Wand all set, and if worse comes to worst, I’ll click the button and wink us away. We can start all over again. From the beginning. Without any hope.”
    Lisa groaned and rolled her eyes. “Okay, Mom. I got your point loud and clear.”
    There was movement in the darkness behind the shattered door, and a figure appeared, like a shrouded ghost. Lisa wanted to get up and run, but she kept her eyes focused on the person who approached. As the figure came into the light, Lisa could see a robe made of a coarse, off-white material, its hood pulled up and over the face, hiding it. Two hands emerged from the arms of the robe, the fingers folded together in front. Lisa had expected the hands to be gnarled and ancient, but the skin looked young and healthy.
    A woman’s hands.
    The robed stranger walked to where Lisa and her mom sat. She was tall and thin, and the image of her hooded head gave her a commanding presence, like an ancient oracle or druid.
    “You can wink away if you wish,” the lady said, her voice a hollow ring. “But I ask only that you allow me to tell you one very important thing first.”
    “What is it?” Lisa’s mom replied, cautious.
    The woman reached up with those young hands of hers and pulled back the hood of her robe, revealing a homely, stoic face framed by short, black hair. She had a nose that pointed straight out like a carrot.
    “We brought you here,” she said, “because you’re trying to find Atticus Higginbottom. And so are we.”

Chapter 13

    Words on Ice
    Tick’s heart had dropped upon seeing his mom and sister captured by Sleeks, and he almost beat his fists on the ice where their images appeared, thinking he could break through, dive through, and save them somehow. He yelled to them as they were brought to the foot of Jane’s now-broken castle and thrown to the ground, though he knew it was pointless. Full of desperation and rage, he could only sit there and shake. Helpless.
    The screen—the rectangle of frozen pond—suddenly flickered, and the scene disappeared, replaced by a few lines of written words. Before he even read it, he knew it was some kind of riddle, and for some reason, it made him mad. He screamed and did hit the ice, cursing Reality for playing such ridiculous games with him. His family was in trouble, and here he was, forced to solve a silly puzzle again.
    But on the other hand, he was good at it. The fabric of the universe understood his mind and was trying to help him. Was trying to form its complexities together and present to him a solution in a way he could best grasp it. Just like what had happened with the Haunce.
    Tick gained control of his emotions and forced himself to read the words.
    The smallest thing begins to grow
    It needs no light, it needs no glow
    This thing, it fears the weakest breath
    And yet it cannot embrace death
    The greatest man or bull or steed
    Or queen or doe or stinging bee
    Eats it, smells it, drinks it some
    And one day it they will become
    Tick sighed. He’d hoped the riddle would be easy, that the answer would jump out at him. But no. Of course not.
    He started thinking.

    “My name is Mordell,” the woman said to Lisa and her mom. She sat on the grass next to them, her legs folded beneath her flowing robe, her back straight, and her hands settled on her knees. “I am a Lady of Blood and Sorrow, a new order started by our master, Mistress Jane, to serve her in the quest to create a Utopia for mankind. To bring eternal happiness to humans once and for all. We bear our name of despair to teach the world that we will do anything, make any sacrifice, to bring this Utopia to pass. We are servants only.”

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