The Wake
ealu and i waited for odelyn to cum for she was frettan around my sons as they was leafan. she cum in soon enough and loccd at me lic to see how she sceolde be around me
    wifman i saes and she saes yes my husbond in a tunge that saes she still felt what i had taught her before
    thu cnawan i is a good man i saes
    thu is a good man she saes
    there is those saes not i saes to her but they is only men. one man may thinc what he ceoses of another but it is only the thoughts of one man
    she locs at me lic she does not cnaw what to sae she nefer cnawan this one she needs me to steer her i lufs her when she lystens when she locs up at me she is proud
    if i cnawan i is good who is to sae i does yfel
    none can sae this
    sum may i saes but the word of one man is as good as another in the world is it not
    it is
    thu cnawan i is a good man
    i cnawan this
    none can sae i does yfel if i does not belyf it
    who saes this my husbond
    folcs thincs this i saes folcs is agan me in all lands my sons is agan me ecceard my geburs the cyng himself is agan me
    my husbond she saes this is not so
    it is so and i is thy husbond and i saes it is so
    she saes naht to this as she cnawan it is triewe
    this is the way it is in the world now i saes the way of things is all gan it is the crist who done this they cums with his boc loc they saes this deed is yfel this deed is good heed the crist
    yes she saes
    it is bocs that does yfel i saes all bocs the boc of the crist the boc of the cyng all laws from abuf mor efry year. i moste gif geld to the cyng i moste cepe the bricg i moste gif a hus to my gebur i moste gif land to my wif i moste gif my sons to the fyrd i moste sitt on the wapentac i moste gif haerfest worc to the thegn i moste gif a tithe of waet to the circe on sanct martin and sceap at pentecost i moste go to the circe efry wice and lysten to scit from the mouths of preosts i moste efen gif geld for my own graef
    thu is a man of parts she saes thu has three oxgangs this is good
    it is good i saes yes it is good is this why they cums for me with laws and bocs they is agan me for what i has. loc now they cums to me and they saes ingengas is cuman we need thy sons and thy geburs for we moste feoht agan the cwellers but efry daeg they is cwellan us the cyng and the crist. this ingenga god that they lufs he has nefer seen an anglisc treow this god from a land of dust where there is no night
    is there no night
    lysten to me i is specan lysten we feoht agan one yeoc only to cepe our selfs under another this god does not cnaw me how can he sae i is yfel can he see my heorte
    she saes none can see thy heorte
    then how can he sae i is yfel
    he can not sae this
    what man can stand ofer me what man
    no man
    is i yfel wif
    thu is not yfel my husbond
    this is what i belyf i scit on all bocs those who trust in them they is in a gaol of dust and light light from sum other scor
    dust and light she saes
    the crist can not harm me
    the cyng can not harm me
    none can harm me
    i is not yfel
    thu is a good wif to me
    where now is the bans
    where now
    it was that night i had the first sight of him yes i see it now that night when all was first tacan from me though i did not cnaw then how micel mor wolde be lost. ah for micel time it had been cuman sum thing had been locan for me sum thing had been growan had been callan from the deorcness and when i locs baec now all is clere. that night i seen all things end in a great storm and from this storm cum a man and the man saes thu cnawan me buccmaster thu cnawan me and this man he was foul to see. from his mouth there cum fronds lic the sceots of blosms they wafs as he specs there is no haer upon his heafod but the hide is thicce and craccd cuman away in places and his eages is blaec lic night on the water
    in his left hand there is a hamor the hamor of a smith the hamor of the great smith what lifs in the eald beorgs and in his right hand there is a

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