war is what they want, then a war they shall get!” Air King said furiously.
Chapter 4
This was not the time to be getting worked up over it quite yet. Decisions had to be made. Plans had to be put into motion. “I think the rest of us may need to stay in your area from here on out. That would make it safer for us all and harder for them to separate us.” Fire Queen stated. “Of course, we will have to take on a different look than we have now. Then it wouldn’t be so easy for them to discover us. “ Everyone agreed and then began their transformations. When they were finished, they looked like regular teenagers. If I had not been a Queen myself, I would have never noticed anything unusual about any of them. I could hear their thoughts and I was finely tuned to them. Knowing who they were was not going to be a problem for me and I was positive, it would not be for Eric either. “We will always be near.” They told us, and they each left the room. “ Be safe.” I whispered to them. I was all business from that point on. Eric had asked Maggie to spread the word about what was going on and for her to tell people where to come for instructions. His house of course. Thank Goodness. I did n’t want to have to explain every unknown visitor to my parents and I could always use any excuse I wanted to stay with Eric. Like getting ready to move in the house or helping his parents pack. You know just the regular stuff. It wasn’t like our parents were going to mind. Eric had suggested that I let him help me with learning my powers. I was confused by the comment because it was almost like he was asking to do something other than practicing with them. And he catches on quick. “I can make all your powers come to you without you having to be trained on how to use them. It will just happen. Just like it would for the ones that already knew how to control their powers. You would have the same control.” Eric said trying to talk me into doing something that I was not sure I fully understood to begin with. “ I can do a spell on you to mature your powers is what I mean.” He said more serious than I had ever seen him before. “ Okay. I think that would probably be fine. You think?” I questioned him once again. “ Yeah. It will be fine. I promise.” He said as he kissed me and then backed away starting his spell. As he said his enchanting spell, I could feel all the hidden power that was in me unlock. It was giving me a new feeling deep within me. All the insecurities of not knowing how to use all my powers disappeared in an instant. I was bursting with excitement when Eric finished. Now you know what it feels like to know your true power. It’s not the same as trying to learn it, but I think you will appreciate them just the same.” Maggie said. I had forgotten that she was still in the room with us, but I had a habit of doing that when I was with Eric. It was just too easy for me to lose myself in his presence. To lose myself and be unaware of anything but us. I’m sure that was going to get me into trouble someday if I didn’t get it under control. Eric excused himself from the room to go make a few phone calls, leaving me and Maggie to try to get to know each other a little better. I was open to the idea of it. I wanted to know about her power. How it came to be that she could sense my distress from that far away. I wasn’t going to find out until I asked. So, I did. “ What exactly is an empath?” I asked her trying not to sound too ridiculous. She was quick to answer me without seeming as if it bothered her any to discuss the most secretive part of her life. “ I can feel everything that someone else is feeling. Any emotion that they are having at that specific time affects me in the same way that it does them. The heartbreak has to be the worst of them all.” She said and I could tell