The Wedding of the Century & Other Stories

The Wedding of the Century & Other Stories by Mary Jo Putney, Kristin James, Charlotte Featherstone Page B

Book: The Wedding of the Century & Other Stories by Mary Jo Putney, Kristin James, Charlotte Featherstone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Jo Putney, Kristin James, Charlotte Featherstone
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Short Stories
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“as low and animal as the mating of hogs. It’s also uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Perhaps someday scientific progress will find a better, more dignified way to make babies, but until then, women must suffer for the sins of Eve.”
    She took a piece of toast and began crumbling it between nervous fingers. “Naturally women of refinement are repulsed by the marital act. Unfortunately, men enjoy it. If they didn’t, I suppose there would be no such thing as marriage. All a woman can do is lie there very quietly, without moving, so that the man will please himself quickly and leave her alone.”
    Lie there and think of England, in other words. Sunny’sstomach turned. Had her tall, athletic father actually done such things to her delicate mother? Was this what Paul Curzon had wanted when he was kissing her? And dear God, must she really allow Thornborough such liberties? Her thighs squeezed together as her body rejected the thought of such an appalling violation.
    Seeing her expression, Augusta said reassuringly, “A gentleman will not visit your bed more than once or twice a week. You also have the right to refuse your husband once you are with child, and for at least three months after you deliver.” She glanced down at the pile of crumbs she had created. “Last night, after the settlements were signed, I took the duke aside and reminded him that you are gently bred, and that I would not permit him to misuse you.”
    â€œYou spoke to Thornborough about this?” Sunny gasped, so humiliated that she wanted to crawl under the table and never come out. “How did he reply?”
    â€œHe gave me the oddest look, but said that he understood my concern for your welfare, and assured me that he would be mindful of your innocence.” Augusta gave a wintry smile. “It was very properly said. He is, after all, a gentleman.”
    Sunny’s mind was a jumble of chaotic thoughts. The marriage bed sounded revolting—yet she had enjoyed Paul Curzon’s kisses, and kissing was supposed to be a prelude to doing it. Surely the women who carried on flagrant affairs wouldn’t do so if they found the whole business distasteful. Timidly she asked, “Do all women dislike the marital act?”
    â€œI wish that I could say that was so, but there is no denying that there are some women of our order who are a disgrace to their sex—low-bred creatures who revel in their animal nature like barmaids. I know that youare not like that, but you will meet women who are.” Leaning forward, Augusta said earnestly, “I cannot emphasize enough that it is fatal to seem to take pleasure in a gentleman’s embrace. If you do, he will instantly lose all respect for you. A woman who acts like a prostitute will be treated like one. Always strive to maintain your dignity, Sarah—ultimately it is all that a lady has.”
    With horror, Sunny remembered that when Paul had taken liberties, she had responded eagerly. Was that why he had made his degrading suggestion that she marry Thorn borough, then have an affair with him? She still thought his behavior despicable—but perhaps she had brought it on by her wantonness. Paul had seen her acting like a slut, so he had treated her like one. It was exactly what her mother was warning her about.
    Apparently a woman who gave in to her animal nature also risked unleashing a man’s worst traits. That had been bad enough in the case of Paul Curzon, but Thornborough was going to be her husband; if he didn’t respect her, the marriage would be hellish.
    Feeling ill, Sunny said, “I shall remember all you have said and I will strive to behave in a manner that you would approve.”
    â€œI’m sure you will not disgrace your upbringing.” Augusta bit her lip, her usual confidence gone. “Oh, Sarah, I’m going to miss you dreadfully. You’ll be so far away.”
    Sunny resisted the temptation to

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