The Woman They Kept

The Woman They Kept by Andrew Krause Page A

Book: The Woman They Kept by Andrew Krause Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Krause
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before zipping his pants back up.
    Daniel had watched the entire
display without so much as a twitch going across his face. When
Gideon finished and sat back down they stared at each other for a
long time, during which Gideon's heart was pounding against his rib
cage, he was hoping beyond hope that his gamble would pay off.
After more than a minute, Daniel's face broke out into a large
    “ I think you ruined our
dinner,” he laughed. “You're quite the character, I'll
give you that. Certainly not a peace officer. Now, when I see a
display like that a few thoughts go through my head. Perhaps you
seek to dishonor me by pissing on my property? Or maybe to put me
on my guard, so that I think you are fearless? Well, let me tell
you a few things.” Daniel stood and refilled his scotch. “A
good woman is like an investment. You have the initial costs and
then the returns once she begins working. Also, like an investment,
it is good to know when to cut your losses. Right now I'm not sure
of your exact motivations in pissing on Diane here, but I am sure
that you've changed her. She may no longer be the obedient little
whore that I trained her to be. You don't just keep working after a
thing like that. So you've presented me with a few choices. I
could forgive this little show you've given me, assume that it's
cultural differences or something, let Diane here go take a shower
and come back and blow us both.” He pushed a small red button
mounted on the wall and the door opened immediately. The mountain
came in and grabbed Gideon from behind, yanking his arms up and
lifting him clear off the couch. Gideon's heart thundered against
his rib cage. Daniel reached under the couch and brought out a long
and wicked looking blade that shone in the light. “I could
cut off your manhood and make you eat it, that would certainly
avenge my property. Of course, then you probably wouldn't want to
do business with me.” Daniel laughed. “Have you ever
wondered what your testicles taste like? Or, my third option, I
could show you just how much this particular investment means to a
man like me .
We are much alike, you and I, I see that now. I too do things
simply because I can.”
    Daniel sat back down on the
couch and placed one hand over the woman's mouth, slicing the knife
down into her neck. She kicked and wailed against his hands but
every motion sawed the knife deeper.
    Gideon stopped struggling
against the mountain, laying limp in his hands as a hollow feeling
started in his stomach and spread until he felt like a paper thin
shell. He had gambled, and that woman had paid his wager. Blood
spurted up out of the woman and all over Daniel's suit as he
frantically sawed through her. He didn't stop until the head was
completely seperated from the body. Once severed, he picked it up
and set it on the mantle above his fireplace.
    “ That will make quite the
bust, don't you think?” He smiled at the head. “She
looks so contemplative.”
    Daniel sat back down on the
couch, the headless body still laying before him. A bit of sweat
trickled down his forehead and he wiped at it, leaving a smear of
red across his face. “Whew! I feel like I've gotten a
workout." He pointed a bloody finger at Gideon. “If I
can do that to my own girls, what do you think I could do to you?”
    Bile was quickly rising in
Gideon's throat, he was sure that he was going to vomit soon.
    “ As long as we understand
each other I think we can do business. Akem's friends are always
good business. Charles, you can let him go.”
    The mountain dropped Gideon and
he fell to his knees, his legs were weak from the display of
brutality he had just witnessed. It took all of his will, but he
forced his feelings into that bursting little box in the corner of
his mind.
    “ Now, are you buying or
    Gideon crawled back onto the
couch and the mountain handed him his drink, refilled. The body in
front of him continued to leak, though it had slowed to a trickle.

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