Thicker Than Blood

Thicker Than Blood by Matthew Newhall Page A

Book: Thicker Than Blood by Matthew Newhall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matthew Newhall
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Fantasy
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should be a natural." Joe shot Kento a look. He was obviously angry. Joe stuttered quietly, "I'll email Mark to be at the shop." Joe double tapped the LCD on his arm computer. The Cube desktop returned in the center of his vision and Joe turned the cube to the email side and began to type in the air. Kento sat in silence. He watched Joe out of the corner of his eye. In a few seconds Joe's rapid typing was complete. He tapped his computer screen once again, and without saying a word, started the van and drove away. Joe drove in silence for a few minutes, dwelling stone-faced on his misfortune. I should talk to Kento, Joe thought, it's not really his fault. Joe thought about what to say as he merged on the expressway. Kento interrupted his thoughts. "Joe I'm sorry, we're all different now. We are different people now, than we were then. I was cocky bastard back then, I have learned a lot." "Kento that's not it. I'm different." Joe hung his head. "You always seemed like a normal guy to me," Kento said smiling. "I have a condition." Joe held his arm out to Kento, his medical wrist band dangling. "What? You?" Kento asked. Kento did not seem to understand that the medical bracelet was meant for him to read. Joe's eyes darted to the side of the road. His arm slowly reached back for the steering wheel. Kento squinted at Joe. He looked confused. An old, pale blue, Toyota was parked on the side of the expressway. It's parking lights where on, and flames here flickering out of the open hood.
    Two men looked scared and where yelling at each other. A dark skinned man without a jacket lay a few feet away, cushioned only by decaying leaves. He looked unconscious. Joe's mind flashed back to his accident. "We're stopping," he asserted. Joe checked the rear view mirror. He mashed the brakes to pull over in time. "Joe, I don't know if that's a good idea." "Call the cops," Joe said. Joe didn't know if Kento had a phone, but he hoped so. He brought the van to a halt, and put it in park. "At least back up fifty feet away so we can escape." Kento was nodding, eyebrows raised. Joe looked at Kento with confusion. He realized he hadn't even considered it could be a trap. He backed the van up some distance. He tried to calculate the situation as he drove. No, he answered himself, we have to help in case it's real. His view of jacket-less man was blocked by the burning car, but he could still see him in his mind. He slammed the gearshift into park again. Grabbing the keys, he jogged toward the men. He heard the two men yelling as they approached. "If your car wasn't such a piece of shit, I wouldn't need my phone," The first man yelled at the second. The second man, red in the face yelled back, "You forgot your phone! You need to run for help!" "He'll be dead if we don't find his pills!" the first man yelled. "What happened?" Kento yelled as he caught up. "We think he's having a heart attack," the first man said. "The car caught fire he grabbed his chest and fell over." Kento looked at the second man. "Wave a car down. I don't have a working phone." Kento pointed at the first man. "You, find his pills." Joe walked over to the injured man. The man on the ground was in his late thirties and fit. That's strange, he thought, he looks too young. He crouched over the man and held his hand over his mouth. "He's still breathing." The man opened his eyes. Joe saw him swing his arm up to grab his shoulder. He rolled backwards over his shoulder and stood up as the man jumped to his feet. "Still quick." Kento was grinning.
    "You ain't given me no C.P.R," The dead man said to Joe. He had a deep Spanish accent. "Give me the key to your ride." Joe's heart was beating hard now as he crab-walked for a better position. He assessed the other two men. They where of moderate build, in poor shape, and unarmed. Kento stood straight and calm giving nothing away. He was about two feet away from to the pill man. Joe smiled, they didn't have a chance. "You and what army?" Joe

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