Thieves at Heart
her skirts and walked over to the fireplace, pulling the pot off the fire with a metal hook and setting it on the small stand. “He’ll be happier to have you find him in Tyestown. And there’ll be more for the girl to do there.”
    “Bluemist is pretty though. The mists do look blue as they rise off the lake, I’ve seen them. If there was a list of prettiest places in the Valley that were actual places, it would be one of them.” He walked over to her with the mugs, holding them while she ladled the drink in, steam rising off. “I’d probably add on Northtown for its view of the Holy Bowl.”
    “The view from the Freewild is better,” Gam said, pouring milk into both mugs. “And please, do wait for it to cool before you drink this, you stupid man.” He crossed his eyes at her and walked over to Tavera with the mugs, blowing over the top of his as he walked to the table.
    “Too bad there’s nothing in the Freewild but nameless towns and jackasses too stupid or too miscreant to stay in the Valley proper.” Derk set a mug in front of Tavera and she blew across the top of it, smelling the spices and herbs in the drink. “In any case what would you rather see, Tavi? Some blue mist, maybe get some fish stew? Or Tyestown? They have some of the nicest dance halls in the Valley and I do know how you like to move those feet of yours.” He kicked her under the table and picked up his mug, taking a sip and screwing up his face as it burned his mouth.
    Tavera could only nod enthusiastically, wondering what the dance halls of Tyestown looked like. The ‘Wicks had several but their steps were always kept clear of children and people not associated with the establishment. It was a place for merry making and music. The streets around the halls were kept lit and free of drunks and beggars, usually in contrast to the dark dealings done in the basements or attics of the buildings. A Baron’s town would probably have a grand dance hall, wouldn’t it? And plenty of people selling and buying and trading, plenty of pockets to check out.
    “It’s getting late Tavera, so best you drink up and get ready for bed,” Derk chided, drinking his mug in a few quick gulps. “You’ll sleep out here and Gam and I’ll be back there.” He gestured towards the back room with his chin. Old Gam ducked into the back room and Tavera could hear her going into the trunk again, things moving in the back.
    “Can I have some more thread?” Tavera asked, her shyness finally melted away. Derk reached forward to clean her mouth with his hand. Tavi looked to Old Gam and pleaded without words. Old Gam cocked her head to the side and set the quilts she had in her arms on the floor.
    “I suppose you may. Glad you’re enjoying the sewing.” She did in fact look pleased and she went into the back again as Tavera pulled off her boots and socks, untying her skirt so she was in her tunic only, way too long for her and covering her skinny thighs and knobby knees. When Gam came out and saw her legs she laughed, hard. “Derk, you must feed this girl more! Are you going to use her to pick a lock?” Tavera stuck her tongue out at Gam when she wasn’t looking, tired of being called skinny but Derk just gave his little girl a look, urging silently for her to put her tongue back in her mouth.
    “I take that to mean you’ll be feeding us in the morning then?” Derk said. He put his mug in the bowl on the stand and started to undo the buckles of his boots, smiling at Gam. She rolled her eyes at him before she went into the back room, closing the curtain behind her. Derk shook his head and turned his attention to Tavera, pulling his boots off and undoing his belt.
    “Don’t stay up too late, Tavi, we’ve a lot to do tomorrow. You can sew on the way to the town. No arguing. We have to go to temple and then find a ride and people like to leave early, you know that.” He pulled his shirt over his head and hung it over the chair, pulling his dagger out of his

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