This London Love

This London Love by Clare Lydon Page B

Book: This London Love by Clare Lydon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clare Lydon
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    Tanya nodded her head slowly. “Right. I haven’t, but it seems cool.” She paused. “Lucy tells me you work in magazines?”
    Was it Kate’s imagination, or did Tanya have her hand on Kate’s hip? Kate tried to move backwards, but was hemmed in by the crowd.
    “Yeah, I’m the art editor. Pays the bills.” Kate smiled with her mouth, even though her mind was frowning. “How about you, what do you do?”
    Tanya rubbed Kate’s hip, her fingers firm on Kate’s body.
    Kate held her breath. She’d known the woman five minutes and she was already touching her. Tanya was either highly confident, used to getting her own way or a complete loon. Or possibly, a mix of all three.
    “I’m a barrister.” Tanya looked terribly pleased about that. She dropped her contact with Kate and winked. “So if you ever get into any trouble, you know who to call.”
    Kate was pretty sure Tanya would be the last person she’d call in a bind. She willed Jess to come to her rescue, but Jess was in animated conversation with Belinda. She glanced over to the bar, but Lucy was still waving a £20 note in the air.
    “Barrister — quite impressive,” Kate said. She was going to be open-minded about this and give Tanya another chance.
    “Yeah, it tends to be. Opens up doors and women seem to like it.” Tanya smiled broadly, before moving back into Kate’s personal space. And there was the wink again. Did she practise that in the mirror before she left the house? Kate would not be surprised.
    Kate assessed the facts. One socially inept barrister, one bottle of beer she was gulping at a rate of knots. This was going nowhere, but even Kate wasn’t impolite enough to bolt after barely five minutes. She just had to hold on until Lucy or Jess saved her, which would be any minute now. Surely .
    “What kind of magazine do you work for?”
    Tanya’s voice jolted Kate, and she let the words soak into her brain before answering. “Female Health & Fitness — health, wellbeing, that sort of thing.”
    “Lucky you.” Tanya nudged Kate with her elbow.
    “Lucky me?”
    “You know.” Another wink . “Looking at all those semi-naked women all day long. That’s every lesbian’s dream job, surely?”
    Kate snorted. “I thought every lesbian’s dream job was to be Angelina Jolie’s PA.”
    “Good one,” Tanya said, touching Kate’s arm. She was clearly a lover of physical contact.
    “Do you work out? You look like you do,” Tanya asked. But before Kate could respond, Tanya was off again. “I do, but I try not to be a gym bore. You know what those people are like. But I do like to keep in shape.” Tanya felt her own biceps and nodded. “A firm body is a firm mind.”
    “Right,” Kate said. “I’m not really the gym sort, but I do like riding my bike — beats taking the tube hands-down. Keeps me fit and gives me a real feeling of freedom.”
    Tanya screwed up her face. “I think bike-riders have a death-wish. You wouldn’t catch me cycling round this city with its clogged up roads, just waiting to be killed. It’s hardly Amsterdam, is it?”
    Kate knew this argument well, she’d heard it many times. “You’ve just got to be determined — give the drivers back the attitude they give you.” She ran a hand over her leg. “Plus, it gives you thighs of steel.”
    “Really?” Tanya said, a sly smile taking over her face.
    As soon as the words flew out of Kate’s mouth, she knew they were a mistake. She stepped sideways, just too late as Tanya’s hand snaked onto her thigh. Kate jumped as if she’d just sat on a lightning bolt.
    “Excuse me a minute, I’m just nipping to the bar.” On the way past Jess, Kate snagged her arm, apologising to Belinda.
    Kate didn’t stop till she made it to the bar, then turned to face Jess. “So do tell me,” Kate said. “Where exactly did Lucy find Tanya?”
    Jess smiled. “Pretty hot, isn’t she? And that hair — I really want to touch her hair.”
    Kate narrowed her

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