This Love's Not for Sale

This Love's Not for Sale by Ella Dominguez Page A

Book: This Love's Not for Sale by Ella Dominguez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Dominguez
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firm and nothing less than glorious.
    “Tucker,” Lilliana said uneasily as she began to turn around.
    Tucker gripped her hips firmly, holding her in place so that she couldn’t resist him or move.
    “Hush, Ms. Norris,” he snarled as he bit into her ass cheek. Lilliana squealed and he licked and nibbled her other cheek in response.
    Just as he began to ease a finger into her pussy, Lilliana said more ardently, “Tucker, please.”
    Tucker slid her shorts back up and spun her around. Her eyebrows were furrowed but her eyes were languorous.
    “T here’s no need to beg,” he teased as he leaned in to kiss her.
    He wanted to taste her lips so badly his cock throbbed with an intensity he hadn’t felt in ages.  Just as his lips touched hers, her hand came up between them and she pushed against his chest firmly, forcing them apart.
    “Please, stop,” she uttered breathlessly.
    It had been so long sin ce a woman had said no to him, Tucker was mildly dazed. He stepped back and scanned her body. It was obvious by her rapid breathing, her thighs clenched together, and the fuck-me eyes she was throwing his way that she wanted him, so what was the problem?
    As Tucker and Lilliana stood watching each other , the next song on the CD began and Tucker’s eyebrows went up.
    “Ho w apropos,” he kidded Lilliana about the title of the song.
    “ Let’s elope ? I don’t think so. I may be horny but I’m not dense.”
    “Where’s your sense of romance?” he asked.
    “Romance is dead.”
    Tucker’s eyebrows knit together and he ran his hands through his hair. “How long do you plan on doing this, Lilly?”
    “Do ing what ?” she asked, gripping the counter behind her for support.
    “Pretend ing like you’re not attracted to me.”
    Lilliana sighed and shook her head. “ I’ve already admitted that I find you attractive, but that doesn’t mean I have to act foolishly and do something I’ll regret.”
    Tucker laughed. “I promise that your experience with me will be enjoyable, not regretful.”
    “You’re so full of yourself, aren’t you? I know your type and the last thing I need is to get involved with someone like you.”
    Tucker’s cheerfulness was gone in a flash. What the hell did Lilliana mean by that? “And what type is that?”
    “Like my ex-husband.”
    Had Lilliana really just compared him to that douchey motherfucker Adam? No fucking way. Tucker clenched his jaw, straightened up, and glared down at Lilliana. “I’m nothing like that man. I worked hard to get where I am and to earn my own way, never once relying on my parents for help. And I never, ever , cheated on my wives. Anyone who says otherwise is a God damned liar,” Tucker barked.
    Suddenly Lilliana looked remorseful. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to compare you…,” she said in a whisper as her eyes scanned his face for forgiveness.
    Tu cker wanted to be pissed, but the look of sadness in Lilliana’s eyes touched him. She might never admit it, but Adam had hurt her deeply and her defense mechanism of pushing men away was glaringly apparent.
    “Finish making whatever it is you’re making. I have something for you in my car. I’ll be back.”
    Tucker walked out without saying anything more and Lilliana was left feeling horrible. She swore she would never compare anyone to her useless ex-husband. From what little she had read about Tucker, she knew they were worlds apart in their upbringings. The last thing she had read about Tucker was that he began supporting his parents after their farm went bust. It was a noble thing to do and something her selfish ex-husband wasn’t capable of.
    Damn Tucker for being so enticing. She wanted him but she knew she was kidding herself to think that being with a man like Tucker McGrath would be anything more than just sex. And her heart just wasn’t ready for that kind of punishment.
    Lilliana forced herself to finish her task. She brought out the flour, brown sugar, walnuts, oats and her

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