Three Lovers in Barcelona (BBW MMF Contemporary Romance)
birth to me.”
    Mitch sighed. He did not have any experience trying to council people, but he knew that deep down her parents had to care about her. “You know,” he said slowly. “You shouldn’t be so hard on them. Have you ever wondered why they behave the way they do? Maybe it is all they know.”
    Alissa shook her head. “If that was all they knew then they would not do it,” she said making a face at Mitch. “If they had any idea what it was like to live life the way I have they would never do it to their own child. I can’t imagine having a kid and making them feel as if they did not exist or that I did not care about them.”
    Mitch’s heart broke for Alissa. He could not imagine what she was going through our how she was feeling. He had grown up in a well-balanced family where he was made to feel loved every day.
    He always knew that when he got home from school his mother would be there and when he went to bed at night his dad would come and talk to him. He sat back in his seat and thought about Alissa’s life.
    “You know,” he began. “No one knew that you felt that way. If I had known I would have…”
    “You would have what?” Alissa interrupted him. “Stepped in, been my daddy? Maybe told them that they were wrong? Everyone knew what was going on. People didn’t even know that I existed until I was a teenager. How can you say that no one knew how I felt?”
    Mitch had no words. Angel and John had always made it seem like they were such a happy family, that they were getting along great and Alissa was always taking part in some activity.
    He shook his head as he realized just how blind, he had been. He loved John like a brother and Angel like a sister and he could not imagine that they had been as bad as Alissa was saying they were.
    “Listen,” he said to her. “We are going up to the cabin to enjoy the summer together before you head off to college. This could be the last summer that you spend with your parents and I think that it is important that you clear the air.”
    “What do you want me to do, Mitch?” she asked. “Do you want me to tell them that I have slept with multiple men because they ignored me when I was a kid? Do you want me to cry and tell them that I have daddy issues? I won’t do it. I have taken care of myself and I have made my own choices. What I do has nothing to do with them not being parents.”
    Mitch looked at Alissa as she spoke. She seemed so grown up and so young at the same time. It was obvious that she had learned to take care of herself at a young age, but without the parental supervision that she needed she was still very immature.
    “The only thing that I intend to do,” she continued, “is to let them know that they were the worst parents that have ever existed and it would have been better if I had never been born. I am going to make sure that they understand after this summer they will never see me again. I am leaving in the fall and never coming back and that is how it is going to be.”
    Mitch wanted to grab her and shake her, but he wanted to hug her and make her feel better at the same time. He knew Alissa’s parents were in for a long hard summer and he only hoped that his indiscretion was not part of her attempt to cause them pain.
    Alissa fell asleep staring out the window and Mitch did not see any point in waking her. He thought that it was best that she rest. He had seen Angel when she was angry and it was not a pretty sight. He knew that the chances were there was going to be a big fight not long after the four of them arrived at the cabin.
    It only took about two hours after Alissa fell asleep for them to arrive at the cabin. It was getting late in the evening and everyone was getting hungry. John unloaded the bags from his trunk and placed them just inside of the cabin before he offered to go grab some dinner. He looked at Alissa as if he was begging her to go with him and her mother.
    Alissa turned. “Well, I am going to go take a

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