Three Shifters for Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Three Shifters for Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Dani April Page B

Book: Three Shifters for Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Dani April Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani April
Tags: Romance
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since I’ve been on one of these things,” she told him as she got comfortable in her seat and gazed out at the landmarks of the park. “So now are you going to tell me what shape-shifters are and how it is that you and your other two buddies can turn into wolves?”
    “I come from a pack of one thousand shifters. They all live around the county the Circle T is located in. Ryan is the pack Alpha.”
    “So Ryan is the boss?”
    “That’s right.” He seemed so eager to tell her everything. He was like an open book when he talked about his ability and that of his people, and Sarah had the feeling she could have asked him anything and he would have answered her directly. “Lance and I are Betas. That means we’re second-in-command.”
    He went on to explain how they shifted into their wolf forms and what it felt like and how he had been scared as a boy the first time the transformation had come over his body. TJ was so thoughtful when he spoke, like he didn’t want to leave anything out or forget an important detail. It was like he was weaving a mythical tale for her except it was all real, and when he was finished Sarah felted enchanted by all she had heard.
    The shadows slanting across the park told her it was getting late. A check of her watch showed they had been talking for over two hours. She hoped TJ was as rich as he said he was because he was going to owe the carriage driver one whopper of a fair.
    “You know, TJ, you didn’t have to tell me all of this.” Sarah looked down and tried to choose her words. “I didn’t mean to imply that you owed me anything. But thanks for sharing what you have with me.” Then she brightened and gave him a smile. “And the carriage ride has been awesome.”
    “But the night’s not over yet.” TJ rested his arm behind her on the back of the seat, not really touching her but close enough to make Sarah feel very warm, almost too warm, and she knew she had to watch out for that dangerous animal magnetism of his. “I’ve made reservations at a seafood place just down the street from Central Park South.”
    “How do you know about restaurants here in the city and making reservations?” Sarah asked him doubtfully.
    “I read about it in this magazine during the flight from Chicago last night. I got my phone out and made some calls and wound up with a table for two reserved at nine o’clock. The review in the magazine said the food’s pretty decent, too.”
    Sarah laughed at his ingenuity. He was always surprising her.
    “I figure now that we’ve got proper introductions out of the way we have a lot more to say to each other, and I don’t know about you but I’m pretty hungry.”
    “I am hungry, and dinner sounds nice.”
    TJ’s face darkened. “Only thing is you might have to tell me where we’re going. I have a feeling I could get lost real fast up here on these city streets.”
    Sarah laughed and took him by the hand to help him down off the carriage. “I won’t let us get lost, TJ. I’ll be our tour guide tonight.”
    * * * *
    So far, so good. TJ was satisfied with the way his last-minute plans were coming together. He had always been good at making the sparks fly with women in the past. But he had never put much effort into it and always relied on his good sense of humor and even better looks. The problem was with those other women he was just having fun. They hadn’t really mattered to him. With Sarah it was different. He wanted everything to be perfect for her.
    The waiter poured Sarah’s wine. TJ was amused that she had ordered the cheapest glass on the menu. For his tastes he had just stuck with a bottle of domestic beer.
    “Are you going to tell me why you freaked out and abandoned us like that last week?” TJ finally got up the courage to ask her a question he didn’t think they had fully touched on yet.
    Sarah sighed and for a second he knew her thoughts were back at the Circle T and that eventful night. “I want you to know I had a

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