Three Southern Beaches: A Summer Beach Read Box Set

Three Southern Beaches: A Summer Beach Read Box Set by Kathleen Brooks, Robyn Peterman, Christie Craig Page B

Book: Three Southern Beaches: A Summer Beach Read Box Set by Kathleen Brooks, Robyn Peterman, Christie Craig Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Brooks, Robyn Peterman, Christie Craig
Tags: Humor, Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Retail, Novellas
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was so easy Cyndi Lu, the friendly stalker, could do it.
    Jim was yelling at Melanie. Grant was on his cell phone probably doing a live play-by-play via social media. The cameramen were yawning and the boom mic was dipping dangerously close to Melanie’s head as she yelled back at Jim. It was a nightmare, to say the least. But they had to get this scene done tonight or they’d fall behind in production. With the chance of rain in the forecast, she didn’t want to risk pushing it off for another week.
    Taylor slammed down her coffee mug and drew everyone’s attention. The cameramen were startled, the boom mic shot back into the air, and Jim and Melanie stopped yelling. Even Grant looked up from his cell phone.
    “Jim, go direct. Gentlemen, get ready to film. Grant, get in position,” Taylor ordered in a voice just short of a yell.
    She grabbed Melanie by the arm and half-dragged the starlet down to the nearby ocean. “This is when you see Darin for the first time since receiving the flowers he sent you. You’re standing in the waves and look up at the gazebo lit up with lights mixed between the flowers. You see him standing there with flowers in his hand. You run to him. Despite only knowing your first name, he’s somehow tracked you down across the state to tell you he loves you. You run to him and then stop where the big X is on the grass about five feet from him,” Taylor called over her shoulder as she took off in an excited run.
    Emotion of the scene filled her eyes and face conveying the shock, excitement, and love Kathy felt for Darin. Taylor slowed as she approached the X. “Darin?” She whispered as if she was seeing a ghost. She stopped at the X and waited for Grant to say his line.
    Instead of Grant’s line, the sound of creaking metal ruined the moment just as the lights overhead used to cast the soft romantic glow broke loose. Taylor only spared a quick look at the lights about to crash down on her head before leaping forward. At the same time, Grant had started rushing toward her as the lights smashed into the ground right where Taylor had been standing. She jumped into Grant’s arms and cried out as a piece of glass sliced into her leg, but was otherwise unhurt.
    “Taylor!” Jim called as he ran forward issuing orders.
    She heard Melanie crying hysterically how she was almost killed– she as in Melanie, not Taylor. Grant yelled at Melanie to shut up as he pulled Taylor all the way into his arms.
    “It’s okay. You’re safe now,” Grant whispered against her hair and held her tightly as she began to shake. “Let me see the cut, babe.”
    Taylor finally looked down and saw the blood pooling around the shard of glass sticking out of her calf. “Oh crap. That’s gonna hurt when it’s pulled out.” She laid her head against Grant’s broad, make-up-bronzed chest and closed her eyes.
    Paramedics and the on-set doctor rushed in followed by Millie and Cyndi Lu staring from the driveway of the resort. Grant held her hand as the shard of glass was removed and the area cleaned and closed with four stitches.
    “It’s all over,” Grant said soothingly. Taylor opened her eyes and saw Millie and Cyndi Lu looking worriedly over at her. Melanie was in front of Millie waving her arms and telling how she almost died while Jim stood over Taylor looking worried. “Come on, I’ll take you home,” Grant offered.
    Taylor nodded and stood up before she thanked the doctor. “I’m okay, really. I’m sorry I sort of shut off there for a moment. But, I’m alright now.”
    “No,” Jim cut in seriously. “Let Grant take you home while I look into this.”
    Taylor looked over at Grant and gave him a nod of her head. “Okay for tonight only. Let’s get the set back in order ASAP and keep our fingers crossed we can film tomorrow night.”
    Heat and pressure pulsed on her leg where her stitches were. She hissed in discomfort and was surprised when Grant hurried to put his arm around her and help her

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