Three Ways to Die
replied. "The subtle, behavioral ones are the best, much more satisfying and dramatic than a forensic clue."
    Flanek smiled, nodding his head in agreement. "That's why I like your books so much, especially your first one."
    Everybody's a book critic, Kevin thought.
    "Did I mention this librarian collected books?" Flanek said. "Signed first editions."
    "It's a good hobby," Kevin said. "Keeps guys like me in business."
    "Funny thing is, out of hundreds of books, she only had one that wasn't a first edition."
    The detective reached into his paper bag and pulled out a hardcover copy of Frost Bite, wrapped in a nice, plastic cover. He opened it to Kevin's signature.
    "This one," Flanek said.
    Kevin stared at the book in disbelief, stunned by his own stupidity.
    "It's a fifth printing," Flanek said, "just like the rest of the books in your trunk."
    It wasn't enough to convict him, but Kevin knew the rest would fall into place now. Security camera videos from the K-Mart would probably put Kevin and Megan together, maybe even show him following her out of the parking lot. That was just a start. If Flanek could spot the difference between a first and fifth edition, he had the ability to build a strong, circumstantial case against him.
    Flanek glanced over Kevin's shoulder. Kevin turned to see two uniformed officers standing a polite distance away, hands near their holsters.
    Kevin sighed, resigned to his fate. He wasn't the first author ruined by a remaindered book, but he'd certainly be the most memorable.
    He looked back at Flanek. "Would you still like me to sign your book?"
    Flanek nodded. "Please."
    Kevin had no trouble coming up with an appropriate inscription.
    To Detective Flanek, who caught all my mistakes.

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