TIED (A Fire Born Novel)
crowd of Saturday night club goers hovering outside The Pub. I glanced at him, but veered my gaze away only to glimpse again. Not fighting with the idea that he walked beside me seemed impossible.
    As we pushed our way inside the all-ages bar, Benny’s boyfriend, Sam, gave me a silent nod from a shadowed table in the corner, running his dark-eyed gaze over Max and me before steering his focus back toward the nameless-faces pub crowd.
    We made our way over to where Benny bopped up and down in her seat next to him, her focus toward the band playing in the far corner. She turned to show heavy black eyeliner tracing clear blue eyes, and as her mouth fell open, Max’s arm slipped from my shoulder. She rose to her feet, leaned over the table, and put her mouth to my ear, her white-blonde hair brushing my face. “What’s Max doing here?”
    “So you admit he’s real now?” I snapped at her. Trying to keep my temper in check would be tough.
    She glanced toward Max and grinned, cutting off any further interrogation. “So … you’re back?” she asked in an undertone of caution.
    “I am.” Max scooted into the booth across from her and Sam and pulled me with him.
    Benny took her seat. “It was only a matter of time.” She shrugged. “I take it Lorelei doesn’t know?”
    “No,” Max and I chimed in unison.
    “Well, I’m not going to tell her.” Benny smirked. “You’re not kids anymore. I won’t stand in your way.” She winked before turning back to the band.
    Huh? Unease quivered in my stomach. I repositioned myself in my seat, uncrossing my legs, and crossing them again.
    “Who’s your friend?” Sam asked from the corner.
    Benny gave Sam a fleeting glance and a quick smile. “This is Max.”
    Max held his hand out.
    Sam didn’t shake it. “Where’s Devon?” He shifted his gaze toward me.
    Max withdrew his outstretched arm without a word and laid it across the booth at my back.
    My cheeks burned, holding Sam’s glare, daring him to say something, anything, uncomfortably aware of how Max and I must have appeared—like a couple.
    Sam’s cold gaze lingered for a moment on the two of us. He snorted.
    “He’ll be here soon,” I said, refusing to look away.
    Sam dropped his gaze and sneered.
    “Ignore him,” I said to Max, whose gaze hadn’t left Sam’s direction either.
    “Done.” Max and Sam answered as one.
    “Do you two know each other?” I asked, doubtful.
    “I know his kind.” Sam repositioned himself, plunging the side of his face deeper in shadow, creating an inhuman mask down his face.
    Max gave a smile I recognized as nothing but false politeness, tilting his head to the side. “And I know yours.”
    “Tell your boys to behave next time they’re around.” Sam pushed to his feet.
    “I’m sure you can handle it. They aren’t mine to command.”
    “Your hair is crazier than ever, Lay.” At Benny’s touch to Sam’s arm, he sat back down beside her. “New windblown look?”
    “We had a little … issue. With my car,” I said.
    Her eyes swiftly shifted in their sockets as she glanced toward Max. “What do you mean … issue ?”
    “Nothing I didn’t handle.” Max rested his elbows on the table.
    Benny gave him a curt nod and turned toward Sam.
    “Is everything okay?” I mumbled into Max’s ear. Heat radiated off his neck. Chills ran through my shoulders, and I backed away, shivering.
    He closed the distance between us, his face inches from mine. “Yeah … everything’s fine.”
    My breathing stopped entirely, my heart pounding against my rib cage.
    “Are you all right?” Max brushed my arm, and a wave of heat flushed my cheeks, coursing up my back. “Layla?” He grabbed my hand.
    Tingles flitted into my fingertips as I pulled it away, flexing my hands and trying to lessen the prickle.
    “What’s wrong?” Benny frowned.
    I held a hand up, averting my gaze, and trying to catch my breath.
    “Let’s get some air.” Max grabbed my hand again, and I stood but

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