Timeshock - I Want My Life Back

Timeshock - I Want My Life Back by Timothy Michael Lewis Page A

Book: Timeshock - I Want My Life Back by Timothy Michael Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Timothy Michael Lewis
Tags: TIme Travel Thriller
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  Nigel, discovering his drip had been disconnected, got up and followed the Mindoan at a safe distance.

    The architecture of Niana was interesting - the Mindoans seemed to like purple and blue as all the buildings were of those colours. Most of their structures were unusual shapes - several enormous dodecahedron-shaped buildings dominated the city.   Nigel lost track of the friendly Mindoan he was following as the city was full of other Mindoans and they all looked the same to him.  

    Nigel wandered the streets of the city looking for something resembling a hotel or lodging.   He had no idea if they had currency or if he would have to beg.   He steered clear of most of the Mindoans but knew he would have to ask one for help eventually.   He held his nose and approached one.
    “Can you tell me if there is somewhere I can stay near here?” asked Nigel.
    “Oh yes, friendly alien! Over there is the UberHotel - best service on Niana.”  
    “I don’t have any money - I am not sure I could afford it.”
    “Money?   Have some of mine! This should be enough.”   The Mindoan handed Nigel several little tacks that Nigel presumed was their currency.
    “I will pay you back when I can!” Nigel replied.
    “Always glad to help a stranger in need! Good day!”

    Nigel really liked the Mindoans, but struggled to get over how repulsive they looked and smelled. He walked towards the UberHotel.   He found all the Mindoan staff very obliging though he tried to keep the conversation as brief as possible.   They placed him in the “alien suite” which had running water and toilet-like facilities that the Mindoans themselves didn’t need.

    Enjoying his stay, Nigel woke up after a good night’s sleep and wondered what to do.   He needed to get back to Earth.   He asked the Mindoan at reception if he knew if there was any spaceport or anything like that.   The Mindoan looked confused.   Nigel started explaining he wanted to get back to Earth across the galaxy.   The Mindoan seemed to understand this and spoke. “You need to use the Nexus - go to Level 45 on the East Pier.”  

    Nigel struggled to work out the layout of Niana but eventually managed to find the East Pier.   He then took an elevator to Level 45 and discovered a warren-like structure containing what looked like lots of shimmering doorways.   He asked a Mindoan what it was and he identified it as the Nexus.   Apparently the Mindoans had developed a gateway technology that let them travel across the universe in seconds.
    Asking again, Nigel discovered there was a portal to Earth but it was not used as apparently the “Earth People” didn’t like the Mindoans using it.   Nigel managed to convince the Mindoan it was fine for him to use it because he was an “Earth person”.

    Nigel walked towards the portal and said goodbye to the Mindoans.   Walking through the portal he felt suddenly very hot and then very cold and emerged instantly in what looked like a small room.   As got his senses back he saw about fifty soldiers holding rifle-like weapons - all aimed at him.

Chapter 14
    There was an uneasy stand-off between Nigel and the soldiers arrayed in front of him.   All their weapons were aimed at Nigel.
    Nigel spoke quickly “It’s OK - I am human!”
    A well-built man who appeared to be the leader spoke to Nigel. “Who are you, and why have you come from Mindoa?”
    “I crashed on Mindoa and I found my way back with their help.”   Nigel tried to speak calmly.
    “Bradley, Harris and Mendez take this man away for interrogation!” the leader blurted out and walked away.  

    Nigel was searched, his possessions confiscated and left sitting in a cold interview room with grim, grey walls. It was several hours before a man in a dark blue uniform entered the room. The uniform had the emblem of a panther on the shirt pocket and the man seemed more than a little creepy to Nigel.

    “So.   What is your name?” asked the man.

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