To Kill a Grey Man

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Book: To Kill a Grey Man by D C Stansfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: D C Stansfield
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and please no bombs as they can become very tedious for me.   Could you make it a simple mugging or robbery,
I would be so grateful.”

    “The Grey Man’s latest base is also here and it has been incredibly
difficult finding it without him knowing.   I do not have to tell you he is very dangerous and will sense any one
sniffing around.   I strongly suggest you
go nowhere near until you get my signal but base your men close, able to react
very quickly.   It will either be that he
does not check in on line one morning, which he does everyday rain or shine, or
he will call into The Firm with his problem.   Either way I will be alerted and I suggest you go in all guns blazing.   Just make sure he is dead.”

    Sir Thomas then walked away.   The Mercedes pulled up and he was in and gone like a flash.   The rest of the black suited men disappeared
like a mist and John Sea found himself alone in a
sea of tourists gazing up at the Houses of Parliament.   He got out his phone and called up the Bentley
which was circling the block.   As he got
in he instructed the driver to drive home and over the next three hours read
the contents of the case again and again.   He knew that what he was about to do would change his life
fundamentally.   Or end it.

    The next morning he called a meeting with his enforcer, Keith Poole.
    “We have a problem,” he said.   “I need to do some work for Sir Thomas Robertson.”
    “Okay,” said Keith. “What gives?”
    “I need you to kill three people and kidnap a fourth.”
    “No problem,” replied Keith, a big grin spreading over his face. “Lovely.”

    John Sea opened the suitcase and lay down the folders he got from
Sir Thomas.   He spread out the three
pictures and Keith started to laugh.
    “Are you sure we cannot wait a few months so they can die of old age?”
    John Sea looked at Keith hard.   “Let’s be very clear.   These three
men have been the best of the best for three decades.”   Pointing at The Assassin and The Surgeon he
continued, “These two have killed and broken more men than you have had hot

    Pointing to The Grey Man he said, “This man runs an intelligence
service the like of which does not exist anywhere else in the world.   He has the power to move mountains.   If you underestimate any one of these, we are
dead.   Do you understand?”
    “Sure, Sure,” said Keith.   “No
problem.   I will only use the best and
make it my personal responsibility.”
    “Okay,” said John Sea.   “Let’s
start with The Grey Man.   He specializes
in information gathering, analysis and strategy.   He helped build the infrastructure of the
current security service and has access to a level of resources that are truly
mind blowing.”

    John Sea was very careful not to mention the name, ‘The Firm’.   Some secrets he liked to keep to himself .   “He is an
electronic wizard,” he continued.   “Anywhere
he lays his hat he alarms up like Fort Knox.   He will know you are coming before you get there so speed is essential.   He moves from safe house to safe house around
every six to eighteen months and operates off the grid at all times, new
identities, new credit cards, new phones, the guy is untraceable.   If he does not want to be found you won’t
find him.   He also has a control on the
internet that you would not believe.   Any
mention of him, any attempt at trying to track him and the world will fall on
you like doomsday.   We are just lucky
that Sir Thomas has him pegged.”
    “So how do we get to him?” Keith asked.
    “He has a small problem that he is not aware of.   He is going blind.   From what I am told it will not come on
gradually, his sight will simply switch off.   What I want to do is this.   Find a base, a farmhouse similar to the one The Grey Man is
staying in, no closer than five miles from his address.   I want your best men split into two groups,
doing twelve hour

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