To Serve Is Divine

To Serve Is Divine by R. E. Hargrave Page B

Book: To Serve Is Divine by R. E. Hargrave Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. E. Hargrave
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
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together every six months or so – minimum. After all, likes and dislikes tend to change along with wants and desires when you begin pushing limits and gathering new experiences.”
    Her body began to warm at his words and what they suggested.
    Erin gave herself an internal fist pump while they proceeded with their discussion. Jayden smiled like a kid at the circus when they went over the fact that she didn’t have any qualms with exhibitionism, but rather enjoyed the idea of it a lot.
    To that Jayden admitted he couldn’t wait to explore that side of Erin because he thrived on being envied for having a beautiful, well-behaved submissive, and in his own words, “It has been too long since I’ve been able to stroll the club with a leash in hand on Demon Night.”
    This had led Erin to ask what a Demon Night was, and she became excited at his description: named for the fact that everyone dresses in skimpy black and red BDSM-wear on designated demon stration evenings.
    “You’ve never been paired up and played with another submissive?” he asked her in surprise when she made the confession.
    They were going over the section of her soft limits.
    “No, I haven’t, and at some point, I also hope to have the experience of playing with another woman,” she added almost bashful until she saw the pleased look on his face. Also under ‘never tried, very interested’ she’d listed things like whipping, candling, and body modification.
    “I’ll be more than happy to guide you in trying these. However, we’ll take it slow and work you into them. Challenges I look forward to, I assure you, Erin.”
    When Jayden attempted to get the scoop behind her fear of canes, Erin felt the blood drain from of her face, and whispered her request to save that talk for a sunny, warm place. Complying with her wish, he moved onto another topic. “I have to discuss something with you before I can allow you to sign your name to that contract. Consider it full disclosure.” Nervous from the foreboding words, she nodded for him to go on, and then stayed quiet while he laid it out for her.
    Erin could admit that she was taken aback while Jayden explained that she wouldn’t be his sole submissive. That in fact, she’d be his third. However, when he went on and explained that she would be his regular submissive because his and Samantha’s agreement was an ‘as needed’ basis, and the arrangement he had with Micah was complicated, more introductory dabbling for Micah than anything else, Erin was able to accept the situation for the time being.
    In addition to defining the social structure of his three submissives, Jayden made sure to emphasize the fact that he required the three of them to be monogamous to him. Also, STD screenings would be done every three months to assure everyone’s health and safety.
    Jayden also stressed to her that he didn’t do relationships. She had to understand that he would be more than happy to dominate her and accept her submission, but romantic feelings had no place in his playroom. Erin pondered his words reflecting on her time with Andrew and Spencer, and acquiesced to his terms with ease when she tried to picture what a romantic interlude would have been like with one of them and found herself unable.
    Their business coming to a close Jayden pressed the pager button so that he could settle the tab. There was no hesitation from either one of them while they signed their names with a flourish at the bottom of the contract. They both knew it wouldn’t hold up in a court of law. It was more of a ritual that materialized their verbal commitment to each other.
    Erin had just opened her mouth to ask when they would begin when Sylvia reappeared with the bill.
    Jayden glanced at it, and after a sideway look at Erin, he told Sylvia to bill it to room 343.
    Erin’s eyes widened for a brief moment before she composed herself.
    “Of course, Mr. Masterson.” Sylvia bowed her head, wished them a pleasant evening, and

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