all-day outing to another island surrounded by others would not be breaking any of his rules. Even better it would give her an entire day to get her head in order. Perfect, she had everything under control once more… just the way she liked it. * * * “They’re saying what?” Nell’s mouth was wide open, her face drained of all colour. “I’m so sorry. It’s completely ridiculous but I thought you should know.” Julie looking bemused reached over to squeeze Nell’s hand. “I … I…” Nell was so flabbergasted she couldn’t even form the words. Julie laughed. “I know. I didn’t know what to say or do when I first heard it either.” “But…” Nell didn’t know whether to laugh or cry herself. “Who started the rumour?” “Oh I think we could both take a guess at that.” Julie sipped her orange juice casting a longing look across the breakfast table at Nell’s untouched steaming cup of coffee. “Let me just state categorically here and now for the record that Drum is not an escort and I’m not paying him to have sex with me.” Nell’s voice came out slightly louder than she intended, casting an anxious look around she was relieved to note that the poolside breakfast dining area was all but empty except for them. “Please.” Julie waved a dismissive hand in the air. “Jealous much. Anyone with half a brain can tell by the way the man eats you up with his eyes that he’s completely gone over you. No man is that good an actor.” “Thanks… I think.” “I just want to know why you’ve never said anything to me before about him?” “Well.” Nell took a big bite of fruit salad. “It’s pretty recent for one.” She doubted her friend would believe how recent. “And secondly you’ve had a lot on your own plate, what with planning the reunion and the baby.” “Which reminds me I haven’t thanked you yet. I know they say being pregnant is supposed to make you glow and feel in touch with your inner goddess and all that malarkey but let me tell you morning sickness twenty-four hours a day for three months just makes you want to kill yourself and take all those smug know it all people offering advice with you. That peach herbal tea you sent was a God send. I promise to never make fun of your natural healing practises again.” “So noted for the record. Getting back to my little problem. Where everyone here thinks I’m so sad, desperate and lonely that I have to pay a man to have sex with me. What am I going to do?” “Nothing.” Julie scraped butter over a slice of banana bread. “Nothing?” Nell whispered back dubiously, aware of a large group of people entering the dining area with laden plates from the buffet. “There’s nothing to be achieved by you confronting Devon. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Oooh, you have to try this banana bread, it’s scrummy.” “Julie focus. What do you mean keep doing what I’m doing? Everyone arriving is giving me not so subtle knowing looks and I can practically hear the grapevine vibrating from here there’s so much speculation going on.” “Big deal, let them talk. All they have to do is see you and Drum together to know that the whole story is baloney. Your biggest worry shouldn’t be what gossip is doing the rounds but what Devon will do next.” “What do mean by that?” Nell hissed under her breath, trying to force her lips into a casual smile, hyper aware that she had an audience of intrigued gossip mongers watching her every move. “Well you know how Devon’s always been jealous of you.” Nell’s mouth dropped open in shock for the second time that morning. “Me? Why?” Julie laughed shaking her head. “Well your marks for one thing. You were always coming top of the class.” “Well she could have studied harder and