Topaz Heat (Christian Romance) (The Jewel Series)
speaking to the head of youth ministries, Peter O’Farrell. He raised a hand in greeting, and Derrick smiled and returned the gesture. “Where’s your sister?”
    “She went to Aunt Maxi’s house last night. They’ll be here next service.” The intelligent little eyes searched his face. “Papa says you’re here for good now.”
    “I am. I’ve moved into your old apartment.”
    “Can I come visit you there?”
    “Absolutely. Say the word, and ask your mom, and I’ll even take you rock climbing this summer.”
    TJ’s serious little face burst into a huge smile. “That would be so awesome. She’ll just have to say yes.”
    “Say yes about what?” Tony sat in a seat in front of Derrick and turned his body toward them.
    “Rock climbing with Uncle D.”
    Tony leaned over and patted his son’s knee. “I’m sure she’ll say yes. You couldn’t be in safer hands.” He directed his attention to Derrick. “I was surprised to see you. I figured you’d still be in New York.”
    “I came back on the ten o’clock flight Friday night.”
    Tony raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
    Derrick shrugged, because he couldn’t explain it himself. “It worked out. Sarah’s car needed a new alternator, so at least I was around.”
    Tony stared at him for several seconds before he slowly pursed his lips. “So, you were there in the apartment on Friday night with Sarah and fixed her car Saturday morning?”
    Clearing his throat, Derrick nodded. “Yeah. I guess you and Robin didn’t communicate my return to her.”
    “Robin didn’t know you were at the apartment when Sarah asked if she could stay there. When she told me about it, I had assumed you weren’t coming back from New York until today based on our last conversation.” Tony studied his face. “Is everything okay?”
    Uncomfortable, Derrick shifted in his seat. “Sure. Same thing as always. I’m vermin. She hates me. You know the drill.”
    Tony held a hand out. “ Amico –”
    “It’s fine.” Derrick surged to his feet. “I’m fine. Listen, I need to talk to Peter. Let me catch him before he gets too involved.” He turned to his nephew. “Dude, good to see you.” They slapped palms as Derrick stepped passed him.
    Peter saw him coming and finished a conversation in time to smile a big Irish grin and hold out his arms. Derrick hugged the older man and slapped him hard on the back. “My brother,” Peter said. “I’m so happy to see you.”
    Peter had fostered a young Tony, and took on a father-figure style role with Derrick as well. Despite Tony taking Derrick in off the streets, the two of them had more of a brotherly relationship.
    The older man’s hair had grayed, turning the deep black into more salt than pepper. Laugh lines and wrinkles lined his eyes. But he looked fit, happy, an eternal smile on his face. “I’m happy to see you, too.”
    “Tony says you’re home for good.”
    “I am. I start work tomorrow morning.”
    “Welcome home.” He patted his shoulder. “Interested in serving?”
    As head of youth ministries, Peter’s job oversaw everything from infant rooms to high school classes. Derrick had always worked with high school boys, both here and in New York. He and Peter had grown very close during the years he mentored young men, and even recently, he would contact Peter when he needed guidance with a more challenging boy. “Absolutely.”
    “Great. I have a new group of boys who need a mentor. I’ve still not got a grip on their stories. I was just telling Caroline last week that I wished you were here because you’d be perfect for them.” He smiled a huge smile. “They’ve been coming together for the last few youth activities.” Peter’s phone beeped and he unhooked it from his holster and read a message on it. “Next time I should see them is Wednesday night.”
    Derrick could see Peter’s distracted look. “You go and do. I’ll be there Wednesday.”
    “That is wonderful, my friend.” He held out his hand and

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