Trinity: Bride of West Virginia (Amercan Mail-Order Bride 35)
unable. They wanted to please me. It’s a shame to dress for a ball, if you can’t participate.”
    “True. You made a fine couple.”
    “You and Nathanial. I thought you to be a couple.”
    A twinge of unease rippled through me. “Yes, well, he was only being kind.”
    “I had a crush on him growing up.”
    “We’re neighbors, you know. I inherited the house after my parents died. I remember many summers with great fondness. Nate was quite the prankster. We used to run around with a small group of friends, stirring up trouble. My mother would let me out to play, but only after I put my worst dress on.” She smiled wistfully. “He was my first kiss.”
    Tiny needles of jealousy pricked away at me. “Truly?”
    “We’d hide in haystacks, catch lightning bugs, and run around in creeks. It was marvelous. Then he grew up.” She shrugged. “He was two years older. He left for school, and I met and married Jason.”
    “That sounds like a lovely way to grow up.” I had never been able to run around with friends, having lived most of my life in an orphanage. We had chores allotted to us, keeping us busy the entire day. Then, when I was older, there had been some schooling, but not enough.
    “You know,” she toyed with a beaded necklace, “I’ve been observing Nathanial for quite a while. I’ve seen him chase girls too. I was never of interest to him in that way, despite the kiss we once shared. He fancied Rebecca Croft. She was the Mayor’s daughter. He tried to court her, but her father had a disagreement with Mr. Witherspoon and prevented the union. It was a bit of a scandal a few years’ back.”
    “I didn’t know.”
    “Rebecca married someone else and moved away.” She shrugged. “They all got on with their lives.”
    “He’s happy in Boston, from what I hear.”
    “Yes.” Her gaze drifted over me. “We’re waiting for him to marry. I’ve never met Victoria Peterson before, but I hear he’s courting her.”
    “That is what he said.”
    “But for how long.”
    “It’s been more than two years. We’ve given up expecting to hear of an engagement. It’s a bit strange, don't you think, to court someone for that long?”
    “I don’t know. I’ve little experience with it.”
    “I married Jason as soon as we could arrange the wedding. Waiting would have driven me mad. When you’re in love, why wait?”
    “You must be deeply in love with Mr. Witherspoon.”
    I nearly choked on the tea. “Pardon?”
    “You married with all due haste.”
    “There you have it.” She grinned. “True love abounds. Isn’t it glorious?”
    “Oh, it most certainly is.” I cringed at those words … knowing I had just lied.

Chapter Nine
    Packages came to the house, all of them from the Ladies’ Emporium, the dresses Nathanial had chosen for me. In addition, gloves, stockings, and garters arrived with nightgowns and robes as well. I hadn’t recalled picking those out, frowning, as I unwrapped each package.
    I stood with Mrs. Dexter in the bedroom, lifting up a pair of bloomers. “Perhaps they sent this to the wrong house. I didn’t choose these.”
    “I’ve a list of items here.” She held up the paper. “The bloomers are on the list. Everything seems to be accounted for.”
    “He bought these without my knowledge. Don’t you think that’s strange?” I had voiced my thoughts. “He even chose corsets and camisoles for me.” I fingered the material, the fabric soft.
    “Well, I suppose he felt you needed them.”
    “I suppose.”
    “This is for you too.” She handed me a small velvet pouch.
    “What is it?”
    “I haven’t a clue.”
    I opened the bag, pulling out a silver chain, a locket dangling from the end. “Now, I know this isn’t mine. I didn’t buy this.”
    “Well, it’s on the list.”
    A floral design had been engraved into the front, with a patchwork quilt engraving on the back. “It’s very

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