Trojan Slaves
left, never having moved, never having given in to the animal
instincts which could have so easily been aroused. They released
the other woman, but even though Eva was left there for two more
nights, still she remained in control of herself, her body and her
    Achilles came
to see her sometimes. He admired her strength but she was also a
challenge to him. There was not a female yet he had failed to
conquer, and he did not intend that Eva should be the first.
    Eva watched
the raiding party depart. She remained pinioned well off the ground
against the side of a ship. A ball was bound tightly into her
mouth, her arms and legs were spread wide and tied by ropes into
heavy iron rings fixed into the ship's boards. The smooth ball was
crafted from stone. A hole was drilled in it through which was
passed an iron rod with a ring on each end. Black leather straps
looped through each ring. They led up on each side of Eva's nose,
then on the bridge were twisted together before pulling tightly
across her forehead. The twisted straps were stretched along the
middle of her long red hair, then twisted again in a knot at the
back of her neck before returning along her jawline and back into
the rings on the iron rod.
    Eva flared her
nostrils and breathed in deeply. She knew that Achilles and Ajax
would soon be back and that when they returned they would have new
ways of increasing her seemingly unending suffering. Some dogs
sniffed around her. She glared down at them with her piercing green
eyes and they ran away.
    Two sailors,
bored by their absence from home, and tired of the never-ending
encampment on the beach, stopped to look up at her.
    'She is a rare
beauty, Crios,' said the first as he poked a stick he was carrying
into Eva's foot. 'A German princess some say. And with an appetite
for pain and suffering that is impossible to satisfy. While others
whine she bears all, they say.'
    'Perhaps she
has not had enough of a test yet, Abas,' said the second.
    'Perhaps not,'
said Abas, smirking. 'Perhaps she has met her match today though.
Perhaps Crios and Abas can bring her to her knees.'
    A shudder
passed through Eva. She fixed her stare ahead. She did not know how
much more she could take.
    'I think we
might just do that,' laughed Crios, running the point of the stick
along the base of Eva's foot.
    She licked the
back of the stone ball in her mouth. It was cold from the chill of
the night. Her mouth was stretched as wide as possible and her face
felt strained and tight. Her teeth pressed against the stone, top
and bottom, and even though it was perfectly smooth, they grated if
there was any movement between them. She smelled the leather strap
that held it in place, and its tightness against the back of her
neck. She squirmed her head from side to side in a vain attempt to
ease it.
    'I think she
is trying to ask us something,' said Crios, still pulling the point
of the stick along the sensitive sole of her foot.
    'Yes, she
wants the same done to the other foot I think.' Abas laughed,
picked up a stick and started doing the same to her other foot.
    Her ankles had
been bound tightly; twelve revolutions of the rope before they were
fixed into the iron rings. She could hardly move her feet at all,
but as Crios and Abas drew the points of the sticks against her
soles she could not stop herself from flexing them in a pointless
effort to prevent the irritation. Bending them gave a moment's
relief, but as soon as the points came in contact again the
movement that had brought some respite had now made them even more
sensitive. If she kept her feet still the irritation was lessened,
but so was her ability to keep them still. The irritation, the
tickle, the glancing sense of almost unmade contact, shivered up
her calves and into her knees. It travelled like a stream of
fast-flowing water, seeking out every place where there was
sensitivity, every place where she could feel contact with
sensation. It ran up her thighs and joined together, doubling

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