Trolley No. 1852
then his corresponding fornicatress.
    Each naked woman, as I
might’ve suspected by now, dispatched at once from the room to the
stairs, and up. And from the fingertips of each suspended a spent
    The bizarreness of my
observations were by now getting the best of me. Clearly, more
rooms existed upstairs on the fourth floor, yet not one prostitute
had taken a man thither; which left me to deliberate: The only person I know for fact to be up there is
the club’s madam … Miss Aheb…
    Could it be to Miss Aheb that these
shapely, bouncing-breasted “slatternettes” were delivering the
epigrammatic soiled condoms?
    And if so…
    I hadn’t a notion. Eventually I repaired
back to the exorbitant atrium where I found my friend Erwin
(looking a bit dogged) helping himself to some refreshment. His
grin greeted my arrival. “This place is something, huh, Mr.
    “Something… yes,” I uttered.
    “The girl I got was pure dynamite, and she
was none-too-disappointed with my performance, if ya don’t mind me
sayin’ so.”
    “Not at all,” I told him distractedly.
    “Which girl did you get?”
    I nearly moaned. If you mean which FIVE GIRLS did I GET, I
couldn’t begin to tell you. I simplified
the response by merely saying, “A more-than-satisfactory little
hussy by the name of Ammi, quite uniquely possessed of various hair
    “Don’t know what mine’s name was but I can
tell you, she’s quite good at putting more than food in her
    “A laudable endorsement, indeed,” I
chuckled. I leaned over to keep my whisper more discrete. “But
allow me to ask, and I apologize for the crudity, but… did your
partner, um, make off with the soiled condom once the business was
    “Matter’a fact she did, Mr. Phillips, and
now that’cha mention it? They always do.”
    “Doesn’t that strike you as singularly
    He stroked his stubble-blued chin. “Yeah, it
does. Ya’d think they’d just drop it in the room’s waste can but
maybe they dispose of ‘em all in the same place, as a safety
    I squinted at his conclusion. “I’m afraid
I’m not comprehending you, Mr. Erwin.”
    “Well, any red house is always leery of a
raid. If the coppers broke in and found used skins in every room,
it’d be a snap to get a prosecution, wouldn’t ya think?”
    “Why, I hadn’t thought of that,” I
confessed, and I admitted, too, that in the remotest sense it did
make some juris-prudential sense. But…
    Somehow, however abstractedly, I couldn’t
quite fathom the notion to any sufficient degree of
    “I’ll be going back for seconds, Mr.
Phillips. You?”
    “Oh, indeed,” I
transfigured the truth. More sexual frolic was most
definitely not my
preference, but I thought it best to obfuscate the truth to
maintain more the air of a “team player.” I did very much need to
screen more of the working girls, to show them Selina’s
    Erwin seemed suddenly frustrated. “That is
if there’re any girls left I could grab seconds with. You heard the
rumor, Mr. Phillips?”
    “Rumor? Why, no.”
    “Heard two girls yacking
about it a minute ago. Apparently one of the men was with us on the
trolley is quite the stud. They say he took care’a five girls in one go-round and wore
‘em completely out. They won’t be hob-knobbin’ with no one the
rest’a the night. They also said the fella had something ‘tween his
legs that should’a been hangin’ in the smokehouse.” He elbowed me
with a wink and a smile. “That fella wouldn’t be you, now would it, Mr.
    I let out a strapping laugh. “Only in my
most delusory dreams!”
    “Well—” He theatrically dusted off his
hands. “I’m ready as I’ll ever be… and may God forgive me.”
    I rolled my eyes and laughed.
    “You coming up too?”
    “I’ll be along presently,” was my erroneous
    Erwin embarked for the stairs, in his search

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