Tron Legacy
    “Then you can help me?” Sam asked.
    “Of course,” Zuse replied. “But first, tell me. Have you seen…him?”
    Sam knew Zuse was asking about his dad, but he said nothing.
    After a moment, Zuse nodded. “You’re a man who understands the value of information. I should expect no less from a Flynn. At least tell me who sent you to me.”
    “Her name’s Quorra,” Sam said. “She said she knew you a long time ago.”
    “Indeed she did,” Zuse said. “Many cycles ago. It was a different time. But let’s not relive the past. Let’s worry about your future.”
    Zuse laid a friendly hand on Sam’s shoulder. He frowned at the ragged poncho. “We’ll need to change your attire,” he said. “And you’ll need a forged disc. And of course you’ll need transport across the Sea of Simulation.”
    Zuse spun his cane and laughed. “This is going to be quite the ride!”
    For the first time since he’d entered the grid, Sam felt himself relaxing. He reached for the drink that Zuse offered him. But as he did so, he glanced up through the glass skylight. His heart pounded.
    Four members of the Black Guard were bearing down toward him on high-tech parachutes!
    It’s a trap! Sam realized. He glared at the program across the table. Zuse just shrugged.
    “I believed in users once before,” he grimly confessed. “But the game has changed, Son of Flynn.”
    Sam had to act quickly. dropping his drink, he ran to the spiral staircase. But the steps were gone! Beneath Sam’s feet, a sea of dancers swayed to the trancelike rhythms.
    Just then, the skylight above Sam exploded, fracturing into pixilated shards. A guard came down right on top of him!
    The air left Sam’s lungs with a whoosh. As he grappled with his foe, they both tumbled through the open door. Then Sam and the guard plunged toward the dance floor below!

PATRONS SCATTERED WHEN SAM and the guard slammed onto the top of the long bar. drinks flew and glass shattered. Luckily, Sam turned around during the fall. The guard landed first, absorbing most of the impact. But the armored guard still fought!
    Sam snatched a long-necked bottle and bashed the guard over the head. The guard’s helmet shattered, and he derezzed with a sizzle.
    As Sam rolled off the bar, more Black Guard soldiers landed on the dance floor. The bouncers drew their discs and fired at the guards. dozens of shots were deflected, but a few unlucky dancers were derezzed by ricochets. The guards fired back as complete chaos erupted.
    Apparently undisturbed by all the action, the DJs simply sped up the beat. But no one was dancing. Freaked-out programs stampeded for the exit. Other terrified programs huddled against the walls or dived under tables.
    One voice rang out above all the chaotic noise. “resist!”
    It was Bartik. The Anarchist was rallying his troops. They pulled their weapons free, and more deadly discs began crisscrossing the crowded club.
    Within moments, a guard was derezzed. His fellow guards closed ranks and advanced. From behind the bar, Sam was about to cry out a warning, but it was too late.
    With ruthless efficiency the guards eliminated Bartik’s gang. Now only the leader remained.
    A guard stepped forward and hurled his disc. Bartik grabbed an attractive young program and used her for a shield. She derezzed with a scream. Then two discs struck the Anarchist at the same time. Bartik burst into a flurry of bouncing cubes.
    Time to go, Sam decided. Crouching low, he started moving toward the nearest exit. Then he heard a thump and looked up.
    Zuse stood on the bar, staring down at Sam and cackling. He pointed his cane, and Sam was pinned in a spotlight beam.
    “Behold the Son of Flynn!” Zuse shouted. “Behold the son of our maker!”
    Like heat-seeking missiles, Black Guard moved in for the kill. Any hapless program that got in their way was ruthlessly derezzed.
    As Sam once again made a move for the exit, a member of the Black Guard tossed his disc. The aim

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