Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC

Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC by Jordan Marie Page A

Book: Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC by Jordan Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Marie
Tags: Fiction, Romance, MC
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shoulder. She’s stiff, but even with that, she feels amazing. I shouldn’t have just showed up today. I should have called her, or arranged a time with her to meet tomorrow, after she rested. I just couldn’t not see her . Watching the way this asshole is eyeing her, makes me think I should have been here much sooner.
    “Yeah, me and Doc have been dating for the last six months,” I tell him and I know he can see the ownership stamped in my eyes. He better take fucking heed to it and stay away from her.
    “I wasn’t aware of that,” he says, as he looks between me and Skye. For some reason his entire attitude is pissing me off.
    “Why would you?”
    “Well I am Skye’s boss, as well as her friend.”
    I look over my shoulder at Skye. She seems frozen and unsure of what to say. I get the feeling I’m missing a very important piece to the puzzle, but I’ll find it out later. It’s time I put this asshole in his place.
    “Yeah, me and sugar-tits here have been keeping it quiet. We didn’t really want to put it out there until we knew for sure it was going to work. You know Doc, she likes to move slowly.”
    I hear Skye gasp behind me. I’m probably going to pay for that sugar-tits remark. I can’t find a reason to care. She should be proud I haven’t decked this guy yet.
    “Well, she would because of Matthew.”
    The fact that he knows about Doc’s son pisses me off. If it was just because he works with her, that’d be one thing. But, it’s as clear as the nose on his face that he wants my woman. That’s a problem, because she’s mine.
    “Walter, I was just…”
    Walter’s phone rings, interrupting her, and I’m damn glad.
    “One minute, Skye,” he says holding his hand up. He steps away from us to take his call, and that better be the last fucking time he uses her first name.
    Skye tugs, trying to get away from me. “Sugar-tits?”
    “God’s honest truth, Doc, I wake up hard thinking about how sweet they will taste or feel wrapped around my cock.”
    “Will you keep your voice down? Oh my God! What are you doing? Why are you letting my boss think we are a couple? Are you certifiably insane?” she whispers in anger. Her face is red, not quite as red as her hair, but damn cute.
    Skye is a gorgeous woman. I’m man enough to admit that was her draw at first. She’s tall and curvy and has the kind of legs a man wants wrapped around him all night long. Her sparkling blue eyes with flecks of gold in them, have haunted my dreams over the last few months. Her hair is a deep auburn red with hints of sunshine running through it. And her tits…large enough a man could bury his dick between and fuck them hard. Just the thought makes my already hard cock jerk and beg in reaction.
    “Bull!” she huffs. “Let me go!” she demands when I don’t answer her.
    “We are a couple, right? Or have you been talking to any other motherfucker every day and eating lunch with them or kissing them goodnight?”
    “What? Well no, but we haven’t actually…”
    “Would you rather I tell your boss how you’ve stepped over the edge of professional courtesy since day one? How he saw you playing with my dick and if he had been ten more minutes he would have seen you gagging on my cock, because you love sucking me? I know because you’ve done it numerous times, right here in this very exam room.”
    “What? I haven’t!”
    “He won’t know that, will he? After what he just saw, I figure he’d believe me over you.”
    “You wouldn’t dare!”
    She’s spitting fire at me and I should feel at least a little bit guilty. I don’t. I’m enjoying this, like I haven’t enjoyed anything in forever. Skye makes me feel alive again.
    “Try me, sugar-tits,” I tell her using the nickname she hates. “Wouldn’t it be better for him to think we’re dating, or that you’ve been using me for sex, while patients sit out there needing medical treatment?”
    “Who are you?”
    “The man you’ve drove to the point

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