Twin Passions
slowly, he began to caress
her silky skin with a feather-light touch. Anora shivered, her mind reeling
with the delicate sensations. Wulfgar's lips, warm, searching, trailed a
burning path across a delicate shoulder and once again found her breast. He
traced a circle of molten fire around the raised nipple with his tongue,
suckling gently. His strong hands moved over her body, caressing and stroking
her flat abdomen and the slender curve of her hips, only to linger teasingly at
the silky mound between her thighs.
    Writhing under his touch, Anora gave herself over to
the heady waves of passion that rippled through her body. All conscious thought
fled from her mind, and she was overwhelmed by a burning ache of desire as old
as love itself. She moaned in wild delight. Her slender hips moved
instinctively against the pressure of Wulfgar's hand, betraying her inner
desires all too clearly.
    "That will have to wait for another night, my
love." Wulfgar gasped, fighting to control the searing flames of desire in
his loins. Encircling Anora in his strong arms, he sought her mouth in a
crushing kiss, stifling her cries as his fingers explored the soft, moist core
of her. Gently he probed the satiny folds, searching for her most sensitive
    Suddenly Anora arched against his hand, her body
trembling uncontrollably. Wrapping her arms about Wulfgar's muscled back, she pulled him to her, entwining her delicate fingers
in his black curls. He deepened his kiss, all the while stroking and teasing
the delicate bud of her desire, exulting in her passionate abandon.
    Bathed in a fine sheen of perspiration, Anora felt a
mounting tension of pure, unbridled ecstasy building within her, spiraling
upward and upward until it reached a pinnacle of burning desire. Crying out
Wulfgar's name, she felt a roaring wave of molten pleasure explode in
shimmering lights and piercing sensation.
    Wulfgar held her close within his arms for long time,
savoring the warmth of her slender body against his own. He gazed down at the
perfection of her delicate features. She had fallen asleep almost immediately,
but he was loath to leave her side. She was so beautiful . . .
    Aye, there will
be many more nights like this, he thought, consoling himself. Nights when we will both find release in
each other's arms. Lingeringly and ever so gently, he kissed her
love-bruised lips. "Sleep well, my only love," he whispered, covering
her with the coverlet. He stepped out of the bed and quietly pulled on his
clothes. Then, after one last, tender kiss, he silently left her room.

    Chapter 7
    "Anora, wake up!" Gwendolyn whispered
urgently, shaking her sister's shoulder. Deep in the midst of a dream, Anora
merely yawned and rolled over onto her side. Her long hair lay in wild disarray
on the eiderdown pillow, and her delicate features lay in peaceful repose, a
gentle smile curving her lips as she slept.
    Gwendolyn felt a twinge of guilt at disturbing her
sister's sound slumber, but the feeling was short-lived. Realizing that drastic
measures were needed to awaken her, she climbed onto the wide bed and began to
jump up and down on the mattress.
    Rudely awakened by the sudden jarring, Anora opened her
eyes, a startled look on her face. "Gwendolyn, what are you doing?"
she asked dazedly, her mind clouded from sleep and faint memories of her dream.
    Gwendolyn plopped down beside her sister. "Forgive
me for waking you so, Anora," she whispered apologetically, "but you
promised we would go to the grotto this morning. Have you forgotten?"
    Sorting through her jumbled thoughts, Anora groaned
inwardly. Aye, she remembered all too well the promise she had made the day
before, and how much it had meant to Gwendolyn. If only she weren't so sleepy .
. .
    But one glance at Gwendolyn's hopeful expression was
all she needed to rouse herself. Anora knew she could not refuse her sister —it
had been her idea to visit the grotto in the first place. Besides, if they left
right away they

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