head. “You shouldn’t have done that. That’s just asking for trouble. He’ll just find ways to make you miserable.”
    “I’m not worried about him.” Then it occurred to me that he might take it out on Ben. “Is that going to make things harder for you?” I asked, suddenly worried.
    Ben must’ve heard the concern in my voice because he answered quickly for once. “It doesn’t matter.”
    “I don’t want to make things hard for you. I just don’t like pretending that I don’t know you.” His eyes settled on my face. “It doesn’t feel right to me,” I honestly admitted.
    He was looking at the dirt between his feet again. But he did look more relaxed. His hands were resting on his textbook, which was still opened on his lap. He had stopped constantly looking to see if anyone was watching. Now that his secret was out and I was okay with it.
    “You must get lonely,” accidentally slipped through my lips as I watched him.
    He gave me a look that let me know I’d just asked a very girlie question that he had no intention of answering.
    “Is that why you read so much?”
    “I read because I like it. It passes the time, sucks you in so you don’t have to think about anything else.”
    “I guess that’s kind of why I like to run, only sometimes I do it and end up thinking too much,” I admitted. “The last six years, we’ve moved around a lot. The last two have been…Well, let’s just say I’ve been to more schools than I care to count. I’ve never stayed in a place long enough to really make friends. I would just make acquaintances and then we’d leave.” I found that I was now fidgeting. I’d found a loose thread on my shorts and I was wrapping it round and round my finger. “I plan on staying here until graduation. That’ll be the longest amount of time I’ve spent in one school since the fourth grade. Like I said, I want to get to know you better. If you’ll let me. I think we have a lot in common. Maybe if you get to know me too, you’ll decide I’m not such a pain.” I said the words with a smile and I knew he wouldn’t deny them.
    He almost smiled back even though he was shaking his head.
    “Okay,” I said, getting to my feet. “You’ve probably had enough of me for one day. I’m going to go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I waved and he waved in return. I couldn’t tell by his expression if he was happy, bummed or indifferent that I was leaving.
    I spent the rest of the way home wondering if I was ever going to get through to him or if it was going to be a wasted effort. Then I decided that as long as he was talking to me at all, it was worth it. His little half smiles made my heart all fluttery because they changed the whole look of his face. That little bit of a smile pushed away some of the pain, loneliness, sadness and heaven only knew what other hurt he was struggling with.
    The next morning when I saw him in the hall I made sure I was close enough to run my fingers over his arm when I walked by. I said ‘hi’ and his eyes lifted long enough to meet mine. Better yet, he gave me one of his rare smiles. I was still smiling when I got to my locker.
    “What is going on with you and Ben?”
    I turned to face a wide-eyed Olivia.
    I tilted my head and smiled. “I don’t know but I have a feeling you’re going to tell me.”
    She took a deep breath. “You’re his Lit partner?” I nodded, knowing she’d known that for days. “By choice? Maya, what were you thinking? I heard that Alec offered to switch. You should’ve taken him up on it.”
    I forced out an irritated laugh. “It’s okay Olivia.” I said as I gave her shoulder a pat. “I know all about Ben’s supposed past.”
    “You know that his brother swears he helped set up the murder?” she asked quietly. “His own brother said it. Even if he isn’t the one that actually killed her, he helped.”
    I was nowhere near laughing now. “His brother was lying. His brother is the murderer. Of course he’s going

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