cheeks. 'And that there may be no doubt about it I will show it you!... too!'
I burst out laughing at these words. The little darling! She did not see the humour of her remark in her innocence.
For, indeed, if she was to show us haw brave she was, she would have to show it to us, namely that which I was so longing to see. Of her own accord she knelt on the arms of the chair which had been restored to their position by Rose who immediately strapped her knees and hands as she had done in the case of Evelyn.
It was quickly done, for Rose, like myself, found an added excitement from the semblance of resistance which the capricious Nora had offered.
Immediately the back of the chair was tilted backwards, the arms were raised and the machinery which operated them was set in motion in spite of the agonised appeals of Nora.
'Oh, yes! you may cry! You see what you have let yourself in for!' said Rose. 'You will have to show everything at once as a punishment for your resistance. And I am sure that we are about to see something that will be well worth our careful attention, for you are charmingly pretty, Miss Nora!'
The little rogue had murmured this in the culprit's ear and I saw mat she had taken advantage of the opportunity gently to bite the lobe of this ear, which is one of the most exciting caresses that I know, especially when, at the same time, the hand of the operator is 'at work' either under the petticoats or inside the trousers.
Now, Rose's hand was 'at work' under Nora's petticoats in a way which, as she admitted to me later, at once aroused an extraordinary sensation of pleasure.
The skilful ministrant to my desires unbuttoned the drawers and let them down and then, slipping her hand under the chemise, she softly stroked and tickled the trembling globes of Nora's posterior charms.
The strange and novel sensation seemed to drive the sweet girl almost mad. Little cries and entreaties mingled with sighs were evidence of this, as well as the undulations of the loins and the trembling of the bottom which always result in the case of one not accustomed to be thus handled.
But Rose knew that she was not mere to gratify her own pleasure.
Evidently delighted at having thus excited Nora, she stood up, came behind her and turned up the petticoats.
If Nora's bottom was apparently less muscular than Evelyn's it seemed to be just as attractive in the harmony of its curves and the full development of its sumptuous globes.
I have said that the girls of Madame X's school were well known throughout Paris for the smartness of their dressing and Nora's undies were as dainty as those of her companion. The drawers, of fine lawn like those of Evelyn, were now hanging loosely round her knees, and for the first time I caught a glimpse of the soft white flesh between the tops of her stockings and the edge of her chemise.
A moment later and Rose had turned up the chemise and immediately were displayed before me, delightful in the indecent completeness of their exposure, the beauties which so for I had only pictured in my mind. Here, indeed, was the eternal fruit offered to the appetite of man, that wonderful fruit which, from the distant time of the earthly Paradise, has offered itself to the pious hands of the lovers of Eve.
But had there been one fruit in that famous garden like to that which Nora now offered to our unraptured gaze, its mere presence would have explained the madness of Adam.
It was a combination of form and colour calculated to amaze and delight the most experienced painter of the nude. The skin was so soft and fine that one felt a desire to kneel down before the beautiful globes and bite boldly into them and perhaps to smother them with kisses, or to make them quiver with the gentle ridding of the fingers or under the stinging embraces of an elastic birch. In the shady valley, where grew a fair and downy moss, thanks to the wide separation of the thighs I could admire the rosy virgin jewels which seemed to invite
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