Two Women

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Book: Two Women by Martina Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martina Cole
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the door of Jimmy’s house.
    When June opened it she nearly died of shock.
    ‘It’s six o’clock in the morning, for fuck’s sake!’
    Maureen wriggled past her, smiling.
    ‘I’m well aware of that but I need to pick up a few of Jimmy’s things.’
    June, annoyed and still half asleep, sneered at her.
    ‘And what things would those be?’
    Suddenly her mind was as clear as a bell. She knew exactly what this woman was after and she also had an idea why Jimmy was dead.
    Maureen looked sadly at her. Changing tack she said quietly, ‘I have a few things here. You know, things Jimmy was looking after for me. After all, we were in business together.’
    June laughed outright at this then said sarcastically, ‘You were in bed together, I know that much. Tell me then, what are you after? If it’s within my power I’ll give you just what you want, lady.’
    Her words were loaded and Maureen knew this. She looked June up and down, considering whether she would have to fight her at some point. Maureen could fight like a man. It was one of her assets and she knew it. She also knew that June was smarting at this particular moment in time and the chances were she would be angry enough to give Maureen a real up and downer.
    She changed tack once more. Standing in the lounge, she looked her adversary in the eye and said honestly, ‘Come on, June, he was a wanker. A good-looking Scottish wanker who kept the two of us for months.
    ‘Now I don’t know about you, but Old Bill will be sniffing around soon and I don’t want to be implicated in anything. So let’s have a cup of Rosie Lee then get to work sorting out all his stuff.’
    June nodded without a word. She made the tea. As they sat at the kitchen table, Maureen lit a cigarette with a gold lighter. Her nails were long and painted a delicate shade of pink like her lips.
    She looked gorgeous.
    Taking in her hair and her clothes June could see the attraction for Jimmy but that didn’t make it hurt any the less. In fact it just depressed her because she knew she would always be second best in any comparison with Maureen and knowing that didn’t make her life any easier.
    But she had a trump card and she knew it even if Maureen smart-car Carter didn’t as yet. Lighting a Number Six she sighed heavily.
    ‘What are you after then?’
    Maureen waved one well-manicured hand.
    ‘Just his address books, things like that. Things that could incriminate us, really.’
    June nodded solemnly, her expression unreadable as she smoked.
    ‘His little black book, eh?’ She smiled. ‘I’ve always wanted to say that to someone. Sounds like one of them old films, don’t it?’
    Maureen stubbed out her cigarette impatiently.
    ‘It sure does. So where does he keep it?’
    ‘Up his arse so far as I know. That book was always with him. Never let it out of his sight.’ June sounded convincing and she knew it.
    Maureen sighed heavily.
    ‘Don’t fuck about with me, June. I’m warning you, some very heavy people want that book and I intend to get it for them. I have a lot of money riding on this and neither you nor anyone else will stand in my way. Do I make myself clear?’
    ‘Loud and clear. But, be fair, what would I know about anything like that, eh? Unlike you I was strictly for shagging. Whereas you, as I understand it, were for talking to as well. I bet that was thrilling after sex - a good old chinwag about his business dealings! Beats a graphic description of what he was going to do to me the next time we was at it. The nearest I got to his business was him asking me to pass him over the phone. So there you have it. The book must be with his effects at the hospital, unless the filth or someone else has got their hands on it.’
    Maureen’s face drained of colour.
    ‘I understood from Jimmy that the book was kept here in his safe at all times. It isn’t good business practice to carry everything around with you . . .’
    June laughed as she interrupted.
    ‘What Jimmy said and

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