Uhura's Song
Spock contemplated her weapon and, without a word, she handed it to him. He lifted it, testing the weight. "I have never seen one used."
"Pick your time, Mr. Spock, and I'll be happy to further your education. The quarterstaff is one of the finest weapons ever invented." She took the staff back and smiled. "It might be interesting to try it against the Vulcan disciplines. But that's a separate offer and I wouldn't push you into anything."
The turbolift doors opened. "My stop," she said. She stepped out and saluted, "Heinrich Schliemann, Captain." The doors closed and the turbolift shifted sideways.
"Remarkable..." Spock began.
"I'll say," Kirk agreed, but the Vulcan's expression seemed to call for further comment. "Something wrong, Spock?"
"Wrong, Captain? No, I should say rather 'anomalous'."
"Anomalous? In what way?"
"In both her presence and her behavior."
"I wouldn't worry about it, Spock- her presence, at least. Unless you want to wonder who she knows. She told Bones she cut her own orders and I'm inclined to believe she could. Dr. Wilson is most certainly not shy."
The turbolift came to a halt. As they walked down the corridor to the briefing room, Kirk went on, "You know Snnanagfashtalli, Spock"- the name got easier with practice- "do you suppose she pulled her punches?"
"Doubtful, Captain. If Dr. Wilson wished to test her abilities, it would do neither of them honor for Snnanagfashtalli to do less than her best. However, as Dr. Wilson herself seems quite aware, her best need not and did not include a killing frenzy."
"Let's be thankful for small favors," Kirk said. "Going to take her up on her challenge, Spock?"
"I shall consider it, Captain."
Kirk was taken aback. "I was joking, Spock!"
"I was not."
They entered the briefing room to find Scott and Uhura waiting.
"Lieutenant Uhura," said Spock, without preamble, "I shall require your assistance." He gestured her to the computers.
After a moment of preparation, he said, "We have found twelve planetary systems that meet our general specifications. On the assumption that the Eeiauoans would have chosen a world as similar in type and position to their home world as possible, I have narrowed this to three. I have prepared computer simulations of skies of those three worlds. Logic can do no more."
The day's full of surprises, thought Kirk. Bones would have a field day with that.
He got still another surprise when he looked over Uhura's shoulder at the display screens. The starfields were reversed- white stars on black backgrounds- certainly not standard issue from the Astronomy Division.
He wasn't sure exactly what Spock expected of Uhura, but he kept quiet while she did whatever it was.
When Sulu hobbled in with Chekov's support, the Russian chattering excitedly, Kirk silenced them with a glance. Dr. Wilson entered a few moments later, damp and still triumphant. From the look of awe given her by Sulu and Chekov, Kirk could guess the content of the conversation he'd interrupted.
She grinned at them and settled herself silently to watch the screens, craning forward. Her absorption was complete and encompassed not only the display but Spock and Uhura as well.
At last, Uhura shook her head. "I can't help, Mr. Spock. I'm sorry." From her tone of dismay, she was more than sorry.
Wilson touched her hand lightly to Uhura's arm. "I seem to be missing something, Nyota. What are you up to?" Her eyes held a child's grave and intense curiosity, and they drew from Uhura a small, almost embarrassed, smile in return. "Mr. Spock hoped I would have a hunch," Uhura said.
"Oh." Wilson managed to pack the single monosyllable with both comprehension and exasperation. With a comic shrug of her shoulders, she said, "That's not how hunches work, Mr. Spock. Captain, I appeal to you!

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