Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3)

Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) by Amanda Bennett Page A

Book: Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) by Amanda Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Bennett
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picking up something from the
pharmacy with Ryan in tow. Now do you want to tell me that I don't want to
    I could
practically see the smoke coming out of his ears.
now I'm extremely confused. What does Hannah being at the pharmacy with Ryan
have to do with anything?"
let Jason explain when he gets here. He should be her in ten."
    I let
out an annoying breath. "Theo, you do realize that ..never mind. Let me know when he gets here."
walked into living room fully expecting the girls to be in a very in-depth
conversation, but Bennett had already passed out along with both of our kids. I
didn't see Hannah in the living room, but caught sight of her as I glanced
towards the kitchen. She was sitting at the breakfast bar, her head propped up
in her hands. I didn't want to be rude and ask her to go, but I knew the minute
Jason showed up, World War III would ensue in my house. Begrudgingly I made my
way over to Hannah, stopping to grab two bottles of water from the fridge.
you want to tell me what's really going on?"
really. Sorry Gray, but I think I'm just going to head home. Can you tell
Bennett I'll be over first thing tomorrow to help out and finally hold that
adorable new baby?" A small smile touched her lips. How could I deny her
the one thing that seemed to make her smile?
If you need anything between now and then, just call."
Hannah pressed a small kiss to my cheek and then she was gone.
rubbed my hands down my face a few times, trying to wake myself up enough to
get my family in bed and then have the small pow wow Theo had planned with
Jason. I enlisted Theo to help me get them all to bed. He took Charlie and laid
her down in her room, while I took Daniel and placed him in his bassinet on the
side of our bed. Just as I hit the top step while carrying Bennett to bed, I
heard a small knock at the front door. I quickly tucked Bennett in bed, made
Daniel a fresh bottle and set it on Bennett's nightstand before I made my way
downstairs. Apparently, I had taken five minutes too long. I could practically
hear every word coming out of Theo's angry mouth as I closed my bedroom door.
Theo, I love you man, but if you wake up any one of those people upstairs, so
help me god I will kick your fucking ass."
Jason. So, please tell me all this amazing scoop that
couldn't wait until morning. Oh and by the way, super creepy that you offered
to follow Hannah. Just sayin'." I let out a small chuckle as Jason and I
shook hands.
your partner in crime here all but made me do it. I
kind of had no choice. But, that's not the point here. Look at these."
shit, Theo. You had him take pictures? How long has he been following
a few months."
a few months? What the fuck is wrong with you?"
don't know, Gray. I wish I fucking knew, but the girl fucking drives me crazy.
I was all set to propose to her and then I see this shit." He pointed at
the stack of pictures on the coffee table.
You were going to ask her to marry you?" Jason and I both spoke in unison.
I bought the ring and everything."
why have her followed then?"
had been acting so weird over the last three months. She was being a bitch and
going off on me for anything and everything. She accused me of cheating on her
first, and wouldn't let it go when I tried to tell her about the case I was
currently working. She was so adamant that I was cheating, that I started to
think maybe she was the one cheating. Her and that Ryan fuck, literally talk
almost every day. Do you know how frustrating it is to have your girl talking
to another guy more than she talks to you? And she was always so fucking sweet
to him, but as soon as she got off the phone, she was back in full on bitch
pushed Theo down onto the couch and sat across from him, grabbing the stack of
pictures on my way. I started fingering through the pictures and stopped when I
got to a picture

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