Unbroken Connection

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Book: Unbroken Connection by Angela Morrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Morrison
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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in…he’s got a double bed.
Leesie327 says:
Yuck, Kim. That’s so dangerous.
Kimbo69 says:
If it doesn’t mean anything, why do I feel like a whore? Two years. Is that all it was for Mark? Me putting out? His whore?
Leesie327 says:
You need to get somewhere safe. No more booze. No more guys. Promise me. Call your mom.
Kimbo69 says:
I think I’ll call Mark’s instead…let her know she totally failed with her son.
Leesie327 says:
Maybe you should go home for a few days.
Kimbo69 says:
Can’t—too many tests this week. Oh, crap…I have one today…my head is killing me.
Leesie327 says:
Take a nice long shower.
Kimbo69 says:
That’d probably make me pass out… again.
Leesie327 says:
Get dressed and get out of there before that guy comes back.
Kimbo69 says:
He’s nice…I’m okay here.
Leesie327 says:
He took advantage of you drunk.
Kimbo69 says:
I probably took advantage of him…he’s not the bad guy…that’s Mark, crud ball creep cheater…think I’ll stick around and remember what this guy looks like.
Leesie327 says:
Look. Call me. You’ve got my new cell number. Any time you need to talk.
Kimbo69 says:
Oh, gross. I’m going to hurl. I better not do it on this guy’s sheets.
Leesie327 says:
Shoot, you’re scaring me. You want me to come up there? Maybe I can borrow a car.
Leesie327 says:
Kim? Are you okay?
Kimbo69 says:
I’m back…think I can function now… what did I miss? No…don’t come here… I’ll be fine…there are two hot guys in the shower…I’m going to go see if one of them remembers me.
Leesie327 says:
Not smart.
Kimbo69 says:
You told me to take a shower.
Leesie327 says:
Kim! Come back here! Kim!
    D IVE B UDDY : Karen
    D ATE : 10/26
    D IVE #: 1,234
    L OCATION : Mergui Archipelago, Myanmar
    D IVE S ITE : High Rock
    W ATER C ONDITION : slight chop, strong current
    D EPTH : 90’
    V ISIBILITY : 50’
    W ATER T EMP .: 80
    B OTTOM T IME : 48 minutes
    Silversides. Thousands. Maybe millions. I descend into a school. They pulse in and out from the reef. Engulf me and my divers. I’ve got Karen, a single forty-ish lady, as my buddy and a couple of couples. Claude took all the jock-looking guys. Stuck me with the women. But his guys are crap divers and all these women are great. I saw that as they giant strided off the back of the boat.
    Makes me laugh through my reg. That and the childish delight of running my fingers through tiny fish without ever touching a single, translucent body as they move in a silent symphony around us.
    We’re following Claude. I don’t know my way around down here yet. His guys don’t make the descent clean and quick like my divers did. Kind of a mess, but he corrals them, and we get going. Nice wall, passing vis. My first dive in Burma—I mean, Myanmar.
    We almost didn’t get here. Serious. Sunday when we welcomed our charter group aboard—dive club from Ohio—Captain Jean had bad news in his briefing. Nasty weather. Last blast of monsoon. The forecast predicted rains and pretty high seas for our passage north to Khawtang, a tiny fishing village that’s our entry point into Myanmar.
    His announcement was met with groans and angry faces. These people had come a long way and dropped a bundle. Jean shrugged his shoulders and held up his hands. “Do not despair, mes amis.” His French accent gets thicker when he’s pitching crap. “We can make it. Me and my crew—the boat is very seaworthy, to be sure. But for you all—” he gestured to them and wrote concern on his brow, squinted his brown eyes sympathetically at the women. “Instead of a smooth passage with seas gently rocking you to sleep—you will have the seasick all night.”
    One of the single guys stood up and put his hands on his waist. “I never get seasick.”
    Jean kept his

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