Under a Stern Reign
discreetly wider, preparing to receive the next slap.
    A zing resounded with the slap of a taut palm against the lower curve of her buttocks, making her writhe once more. The scalding sensation spread further. Something was welling up inside amid the pain and humiliation.
    Elise noted the surreptitious movement of the lovely girl’s knees, and sniggered. ‘So, now the mare is hungry to be fucked,’ she goaded. ‘But not yet.’
    Taking Genevieve by the shoulders she lifted her so that she was once more upright on her knees. She loosened the gag so that it slipped down around her neck and stepped before the girl. Her cool hands cupped Genevieve’s flushed face, and she sat on the warm spot just vacated by the kneeling girl. ‘That was the second part of today’s lesson,’ she told her plaything. ‘And now for the third.’
    Elise brushed aside the blonde fringe from Genevieve’s damp brow, and the kneeling girl gazed at Elise’s taut stomach and the dark triangle of curls nestled between her parted thighs. The sitting girl rubbed the glistening lips hiding there, and without a word she slowly parted them, her fingertips locating her clitoris.
    â€˜You have now seen the toy men have between their legs,’ she said huskily, her free hand stroking Genevieve’s hair. ‘This is ours, and it needs to be kissed and adored. Kiss it for me, my dear Genevieve.’
    Genevieve looked up into her friend’s eyes, and then down to the moist, beckoning pussy before her. She closed her eyes and moved her face tentatively to the moist lips. Nervously she ran her tongue over the damp and fragrant flesh, but instantly felt her face being pressed deeper, urged by the hands of her friend. She felt wetness spreading over her lips, nose, and cheeks. Elise moaned. ‘That’s it,’ she encouraged dreamily. ‘That’s it.’ She took Genevieve’s head in her hands and guided her mouth over her clitoris. With fingers urgently entwined in Genevieve’s hair she bared her pleasure button to the girl with the other hand. Genevieve tongued it obediently, conscious now of the extent of the pleasure Elise was experiencing...
    A noise suddenly startled them both. Genevieve tried to withdraw, to see what was happening, but a fierce swat and intense pain erupted on her bottom once more and she yelped loudly. Tears blurred her vision. Elise had not moved, but shock was etched on her face.
    â€˜I told you so!’ Madame Coubette gloated.
    â€˜Silence!’ the count thundered, his glazed eyes giving him the countenance of a madman. ‘This is not Elise’s doing,’ he growled at his mistress in defence of his stepdaughter, with a display of bullish conviction he didn’t actually believe. ‘It can’t be.’ He glared at Genevieve. ‘What on earth are you doing to my stepdaughter? Both of you will be punished tomorrow morning,’ he went on to Elise before poor Genevieve could even think of a response, let alone impart one, ‘giving you time between now and then to dwell on your disgraceful behaviour. Bring her at ten o’clock sharp. You know where!’
    Elise stood and hastily untied the cord around Genevieve’s wrists. He watched them for a moment, and then left with Madame Coubette in his trail, who looked back at Elise and smiled...
Chapter Three
    Genevieve’s legs were trembling as she followed Elise into the library. She had never been in there before. It was the count’s preserve and out of bounds. Her eyes flitted over the book-lined walls of the austere room, alighting on a portrait hanging over the large fireplace of a beautiful dark-haired woman.
    The fire was lit, and the count paced to and fro before it, his hands behind his back. To the left of the fireplace was his writing desk and chair, and to the right was a leather armchair.
    Elise seemed very composed, surprising Genevieve.

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