Unforgiving Temper
than once his efforts were thwarted by Lydia's sudden demand for
attention. Slowly moving away whenever necessary, Elizabeth
purposely maintained a comfortable distance from the only man in
the room she wished to avoid.
    Making another change, she joined Sir William
and Lady Lucas in their conversation with Colonel Forster. Sir
William was enthusiastically describing his most recent experience
at court when Elizabeth's gaze drifted to Jane and Mr. Bingley
seated in a corner of the room, their heads bent in private
conversation. The sight gave her pause. What did
Mr. Bingley's presence in Hertfordshire signify? If
Mr. Darcy takes such prodigious interest in Mr. Bingley's
affairs, surely he knows of the return. Could it be Mr. Darcy
has reconsidered his interference and has encouraged his friend to
this present course?
    She owned that she had been so very wrong
about Mr. Darcy! Her cheeks flushed with the memory of how
Mr. Wickham had skillfully employed his charm and good looks
in such a way that she had eagerly accepted his attentions and his
stories without question. The malicious account of ill-treatment at
the hands of a prideful Mr. Darcy had been especially
satisfying as it had served to give substance to her own
pronouncements against the man's character.
    The truth of the matter now pricked her
conscience and Elizabeth came to a grave realization. Perhaps she
would have allowed for Mr. Darcy's pride had not her own been
wounded by his slight at their first meeting. Her pride, obscured
by faulty conviction, now lay exposed in its true nature. Until
this moment, she never knew herself, and she acknowledged that her
existence had been profoundly altered by this man whom she thought
to never see again. Oddly, this reflection brought a sad, puzzling
tug to her heart.
    Forcing her attention back to Jane's plight,
she very much wanted to believe – hoped, even – that a goodness on
Mr. Darcy's part was the reason for Mr. Bingley's return.
Carrying that thought to a logical conclusion, her eyes widened in
alarm. Was Mr. Darcy here as well?!
    “Sir William,” she blurted suddenly as he
paused in his animated narrative. “I beg your pardon, but I wonder
– has Mr. Bingley told you of his plans? Will he be long in
the neighborhood?”
    “Oh, that I cannot say for certain. However,
he did say he had some pressing business that may take a little
    “And has he brought his entire party
back to Netherfield?” she asked tentatively.
    At this, Lady Lucas was happy to add her
knowledge to the conversation. “He is come alone at present; but we
look forward to the pleasure of his sisters' company at tea next
week, for they are to come with his friend, Mr. Darcy, in a
few days' time.”
    Elizabeth's fleeting relief turned to alarm
at the news of the impending arrival. She felt herself growing warm
as the blush returned and deepened noticeably.
    “Miss Eliza! Is something wrong? You look
very ill, indeed!”
    “No, Sir William. I mean, yes! I am fine. I
just…it seems a little warm in the room. I am sure a little fresh
air is all I need.”
    “Shall I send for your mother or father to
assist you?”
    “No, please! I am quite all right. I just
need some air and I shall be right again in no time!”
    Elizabeth escaped to the terrace and leaned
against the low stone wall that overlooked the expanse of lawn
beyond. It took several deep breaths before she could begin to calm
her racing heart, and then she sighed miserably. Oh, why did I
not comprehend the full implication of Mr. Bingley's return?
Mr. Darcy is sure to accompany him! This is wretched! I cannot
possibly think to greet him with any composure! Conflicting
sentiments waged war within her heart. For Jane’s sake, I
am happy Mr. Bingley has come back, but I cannot bear to think
of facing Mr. Darcy! Will he even abide my company after I
said such hateful things to him?
    Standing in a pool of moonlight, the soft
rays illuminated each emotion

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