Unison (The Spheral)
    “Loosen your sleeves. Now that I know about my possible death, all I have to do is be more careful when we get to the ridge.” He laughed and finished off the contents of his bottle. “I’ll even slow down so you can walk ahead of me.”
    The more I thought about it, the more plausible Wade’s argument sounded. His foreknowledge could very well save him, but I still wouldn’t be able to distinguish if my vision was a delusion or an altered destiny. For both my sake and Wade’s, I hoped it was the latter.

    Kai started my induction ceremony with one of his parables. I can’t recall which one because I was feeling anxious. Afterwards, he went on about how his department was responsible for Unity’s reduction in reintegration sentences, without barely a mention about how Harmony made this possible. When he finally called my name to award me my maroon uniform, I stood from my chair and almost toppled over. Everything around me appeared to be moving in slow motion, and my body swayed as though adrift on a boat. I walked to the podium and clutched the corners to anchor myself.
    “You may begin now,” Kai said slowly, stressing each syllable.
    I leaned in towards the microphone and spoke. “Before I get started, I’d like to thank Master Kai for nominating me.”
    Everyone applauded, and I attributed my preceding dislocation to stage fright. “I invented Harmony to help you find it within yourselves and each other. With three quarters of Unitians receiving Harmony’s signal, I’m confident that one day everyone will enjoy a healthy mind, impervious to the scourge. I’m honored to move up within the Corporate Hierarchy and promise to serve for as long as I’m alive and of sensible mind.”
    “Can you predict the future and promise us Harmony won’t be misused by a future Overseer?” a female voice called out.
    My COR alarm sounded and everything seemed more familiar than the previous moment. Flashing lights on my face and Kai directing his guards seemed more like memories occurring in present reality. I was overcome by vertigo and collapsed to my knees. The floor drew me toward it like a magnet, and I fell forward, landing on the palms of my hands. As I attempted to stand, my elbows buckled, and my chest pressed into the floor. All the surrounding voices blended and softened to a barely audible level.
    “Six begin, Six alone, Six unite,” said a lone female voice.
    It took all my effort to lift my head and look towards the door where the female from my vision stood. Her long hair poured down like streams of glistening black water, and I was surprised no one noticed. She extended her hand towards me, and as I outstretched my arm towards her, all the sounds returned to full volume. My body lightened, and I sprang to my feet. “Who is she?” I got up and pointed towards the mysterious woman.
    Kai assisted me off stage. “Don’t you see her? She’s there—by the entranceway. Her hair is unbound!”
    Kai squinted his eyes. “Where? Every woman I see has her hair braided according to regulation.”
    I looked back towards the entrance. The woman from my vision vanished.

    “I’m sorry your induction was ruined,” Kai said as he entered my loft.
    “When I heard her voice…everything seemed so familiar,” I said more to myself.
    Kai sat on the couch and rested his feet on the coffee table. I cringed at the action which never disturbed me before.
    “We’ll find her.”
    “She’s in her thirties, her hair was out of regulation and—”
    “I meant the female who interrupted your speech.”
    “I don’t care about her. The woman—I think she—” I stopped myself to run another scan on my holologue.
    “The long hours you spent on Harmony is beginning to affect your mental health. Don’t allow it to deflect you from the value you’ve added to the Corporation. I can see you moving far beyond even your own expectations.”
    I didn’t acknowledge Kai because I was more interested in making sense

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