took off down.
I know it was her. How could it not have been her? Granted the pink hair was no longer there it has faded or has been discarded of, but it was her. The moment our eyes met she turned and began to run away. I jumped from the car leaving it halfway hanging out of the garage and tried to run after her, the rain was pounding onto the ground so much by then that I can’t see down the alley that she had ran. Everything significant with us happened around the rain; our first kiss, the first time we had sex, the last time I ever saw her again. Rain just seemed to be a part of who we were.
I head back over to the car and slide into the driver’s side, I can hear the car horns behind me begin to honk to tell me to get out of the way, I send them a friendly hand gesture and continue on with my drive. I make the left out of the parking lot and turn down the alley that she had ran, driving slowly. I huff when I can’t find her, but I continue to scour the streets for an hour before heading back to the hotel.
I walk through the door into the room that I am staying at and toss my keys to the slide pulling out my phone and punching in Will’s number.
“Hey man, thought I would have heard from you by now, you find him?” I’ve been meaning to call him.
“And did he know where she was?” He asks.
“Nope, they haven’t spoken in years apparently, but I think I just saw her ” I admit to him.
“Where are you at?”
“What are you doing there?” He sounds shocked.
“It was on my way home, and I’ve never been here. I remember you guys nice it was, so I came here, but I saw her Will.”
“Are you sure it was her?” I can hear it in his voice that he thinks I’m losing it.
“Well when I looked up she was staring at me as if I was a ghost and then started running.” I say it trying to hide the sadness in my voice.
“She ran?” he asked confused.
“Yeah, why?”
“It’s just as long as I have known her she was never a runner.” He laughs and I become slightly pissed. How could he makes a joke right now?
“Yeah, maybe it wasn’t her.” I pause knowing deep down that it was her, I know that she saw me and it terrified her, I know that she probably hates me, but I have to find her. I have to tell her that it’s my fault and that I came here to find her. “Can you do me a favor Will and just look her up in Savannah.”
“Alright,” Here was Will as my Private Detective. It was his job tho ugh, and I was paying him. I let myself sink into the mattress and then I quickly fall into sleep. I will look for her tomorrow. I will find her tomorrow.
Chapter ten
I let myself think a dozen different scenarios at work that night all included telling Chase about Avery, but not one of them turned out well.
When he came in from the rain I was already dressed and dried sitting in front of the TV trying not to watch him as he comes in even more soaked than when he went outside.
I try not to think about him naked as he is in the shower and when he comes back out in only a pair of basketball shorts I can’t help but stare. He scoots into the bed next to me finally turning and looking to me.
“I’m sorry about earlier.” He looks down, embarrassed.
“Don’t be.” I tell him, trying to explain to him that I wanted it as well.
“Ariana, I should have never come onto you like that.”
“Chase, shut up.” His mouth begins to protest as I stop him, “I want you too.” I say looking over to him and pressing my mouth back to his. I felt the smile curve up to his lips as he pulled back.
“Alright then, but I meant what I said.” I nod to him telling him that I understand as he slides down into the sheets. I had only known this man for three weeks but yet it seemed as if we had known one another for our entire lives. As we lay in the bed, in the dark , I stare to him watching him watch me through the light coming from the parking lot.
Paige Cuccaro
Ernest J. Gaines
Bill Cameron
Mandi Rei Serra
et al. Mike Resnick
Alton L. Gansky
William G. Tapply, Philip R. Craig
K. R. Foster
Guy Stanton III
Edward M. Erdelac