Up From the Grave: A Night Huntress Novel

Up From the Grave: A Night Huntress Novel by Jeaniene Frost Page A

Book: Up From the Grave: A Night Huntress Novel by Jeaniene Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeaniene Frost
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potential species merging that I hadn’t considered how awful the fallout would be if it had already happened. If vampires or ghouls found out that their strongest attributes could be synthesized, then added to any member of the human race, their reaction would be brutal. It wouldn’t be World War III—it would be World War V and G.
    “You’re right.” My voice was a croak. “If he’s already made genetically blended soldiers, they’ll have to be eliminated before the vampire and ghoul nations realize it’s possible.”
    Or other governments try to do it themselves.
    I didn’t say it out loud, but it hung in the air nonetheless. Suddenly, Marie’s sixty-day deadline seemed generous.
    “It might not come to that, Kitten,” Bones said, expanding his aura to wrap a soothing band around my emotions. “Likely Madigan’s still at the lab rat stage.”
    “I hope so,” I murmured.
    If not, I’d be setting myself up to execute people for the crime of being genetically different—a charge I’d been guilty of since the day I was born. Could I really do it? I wondered.
    The more troubling question was, what would happen if I couldn’t do it?
    C harlottesville, Virginia, reminded me of a bigger version of the town Bones and I lived in. It, too, was located in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and the sight of their cloud-coated peaks caused a pang of longing in me. I grew up among the gently rolling hills of rural Ohio, but since the very first time I saw the mountains, they’d felt like home to me.
    That’s where I wished I were right now. Home with Bones, surrounded by mountains that seemed to hold the rest of the world at bay. The past months of relative uneventfulness had introduced me to what most people called a normal life, and to my great surprise, I’d loved it. At home, the only sharp metal objects I handled were for the new garden I’d put in, and the only screams I heard was Helsing yowling if the kitty felt he wasn’t getting enough attention.
    I used to get a rush from going on a hunt, but as much as I wanted Madigan dead, if I could have traded killing him myself for all of this being over, I would. In a hot second.
    Maybe this was what people called getting older. Or maybe, after so many years of “hunt, kill, regroup, and repeat,” I realized I had nothing left to prove, either to myself or anyone else. Hatred of vampires—and myself—had put me on this lethal track at sixteen. Thanks to Bones, all that hatred was long gone, and existing had been replaced with actually living.
    I wanted to get back to that life, and only one thing stood in my way. Madigan. My jaw tightened. Thanks to him, I wasn’t done hunting and killing yet.
    We left the RV in a wooded area and rented an average-looking sedan for our reconnaissance. Then we waited until after dark to circle Garrett Street, driving past the former plumbing supply factory as slowly as we could without looking suspicious. As Don had predicted, the building appeared to be deserted. No cars in the parking lot, no lights inside, and the security cameras weren’t operating. That, or someone should be fired since the lenses on two of them were cracked to the point of being useless for surveillance.
    “Looks like no one’s used this place for years,” Ian stated.
    Just as Don had said. Disappointment filled me. Now what?
    “We don’t have time to wait until Madigan eventually leaves your old compound,” Bones said. “Much as I’d enjoy grabbing him and torturing the truth out of him, we’re on a deadline, and it might be weeks before he leaves the safety of that facility.”
    “Even if we got lucky and he left it tomorrow, it would be obvious who kidnapped him if Madigan ‘disappeared’ shortly after we came to see him,” I added.
    We also couldn’t storm my old compound to capture him for that same reason. If we did, we’d be tipping our hand to whomever else Madigan was involved with, thus giving that person a chance to switch their base

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