
Veritas by MJ Duncan Page A

Book: Veritas by MJ Duncan Read Free Book Online
Authors: MJ Duncan
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“Exactly. Now, check the waffle machine and see if it’s hot enough to start cooking.”


Chapter 10
    Grey leaned back in her chair at the helm and rested the balls of her feet on the bottom of the wheel to keep the Veritas sailing in a straight line toward Sandy Spit as she pulled a wrinkled photograph from her pocket. The edges were worn and creases cut unforgivingly through the image, remnants of the time when she could not go anywhere without the picture of the two of them together because it had been her heart until hers began actually beating again.
    “God, I miss you, Em,” she murmured, her voice low and rough as she touched Emily’s smiling lips with her finger.
    She glanced up toward the bow. The water ahead was smooth and free of traffic, and she took advantage of the calm to lose herself in her memories of Emily. Of their first kiss, stolen behind a potted palm at Kip’s birthday party. Of the way Emily would sing in the shower, loud and carefree despite the fact that she was, quite possibly, the most tone-deaf person on the planet. The way Emily would smile at her, soft, open, and awed, and the way that smile made her fall in love with her all over again every time she saw it.
    Her gaze landed on the ring on Emily’s left hand, and tears sprung to her eyes as she remembered the night she had proposed. Anchored in an otherwise deserted bay on Cooper Island, she had made her best attempt at a fancy dinner—though only the grilled shrimp had ended up edible—and even now her heart pounded with the memory of how nervous she had been when she took Emily’s left hand into hers and got down on one knee. She dearly wished she could remember what she had said to actually propose, but she would never forget the smile that lit Emily’s face when she had said yes. Neither of them had any idea how hard the next few months would be, and Grey was glad that they at least had those few stolen moments of happiness. That they got those few weeks to bask in the idea of a happily ever after before Fate gleefully ripped it from their grasps.
    Grey was so wrapped up in her memories that she was aware of nothing but the feeling of the boat’s rudders tugging against the wheel beneath her feet. Her eyes would glance up toward the water in front of them every now and again out of habit, but she was not really seeing it. All she could see was Emily.
    She was so lost in her thoughts that she did not hear Lauren calling for her, and she jumped at the feeling of a gentle hand on her shoulder and automatically tried to hide the picture in her hand, flipping it over as she turned to find Lauren standing beside her. “Um, hi.”
    “Hey.” Lauren ’s eyes flicking down to the picture she had not noticed until Grey had hastily tried to hide it from her. She lifted her eyes to meet Grey’s, and her stomach dropped at the raw pain she saw looking back at her. “Sorry to interrupt, but Kim was wondering how much longer it would be until we reached the snorkel spot for the morning.”
    Grey looked down at the chart plotter on her dash . “Probably about fifteen minutes or so. Is everything okay?”
    “Yeah.” Lauren smiled at the way Grey arched a qu estioning brow at her. “Max and Peyton just got busted for smacking Reid in the head with a couple of swimming noodles, and she wanted to know how long to leave them in time out. You seriously didn’t hear the screaming?”
    “No.” Grey looked down at the picture in her hand. She did not know what in the world possessed her to do it, but she flipped it back over to show it to Lauren. “I guess I was distracted.”
    “Understandable,” Lauren said, her eyes following Grey’s. She tried to hide her surprise at how alike she and the woman in the picture with Grey looked, but her mouth still fell open a little bit in surprise. She was taller than the other woman, whose head had only come up to Grey’s shoulder, with a darker complexion and far

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