Virtual Strangers
    [email protected]
    Dear Charlie,
    I don’t know. It’s not my situation, is it? But if your relationship with Phil is not giving you anything you need then he’s probably not getting much out of it either. So you should end it, shouldn’t you? For both your sakes. Move on and all that stuff.
    Ah, but move on to what?
    [email protected]
    Dear griffith,
    Move on as in staying in a lot, you mean?
    [email protected]
    I doubt that. I’m sure you get plenty of male attention.
    [email protected]
    Dear griffith,
    How would you know? Anyway, I was thinking more along the lines of reflection and yoga. And I meant staying in as in sitting at the computer emailing you, by the way. Which is male attention of a sort, isn’t it?
    [email protected]
    Which would certainly be good from this end. As Gentian Foxglove? She’s grown on me.
    [email protected]
    No. As me. Such a shame you’re only ephemeral.
    [email protected]
    I’m just as real as you are, Charlie. Though virtual, certainly. But why ephemeral? I’m not going anywhere, am I?
    [email protected]
    Ephemeral precisely because you are virtual, griffith. Does the phrase ‘get a life’ strike a chord? Anyway, stop playing with words. The fact is you could have a face like a pudding, couldn’t you? In which case I think you should email a picture of your horrific self now to give me some incentive to get out more.
    [email protected]
    I’m sure you get out plenty. Just with the wrong guy.
    [email protected]
    I know, I know, I know. Plus you must think I’m completely pathetic. Do you?
    [email protected]
    Charlie, is what I think a factor here?
    Yes, it is, griffith.
    Yes-very-much-so, come to think of it. God, Simpson. Sad . I have to pause to collect the fizzy sensations that are presumably trying to pass for my thoughts at the moment. I pause some more. What is it with this guy? What is it about this guy?
    [email protected]
    What exactly do you get out of all this, griffith? I mean, it’s all a bit of a novelty for me, of course. Plus it’s great to have this complete stranger dispensing wisdom on my shambolic love life and so on. But what are you in it for? Is your life crap too? no, scrub that. My life’s not crap, just a bit lacking in whatever it is that means most normal happy people don’t spend their evenings staring at screens. Plus I’m a bit non-plussed by life right now. Plus you seem to.... Plus I can’t help but think......God! Listen to me!
    [email protected]
    I like listening to you. I like that you enjoy being listened to. Anyway, I could listen for Wales. It’s what I do best (cursor based or otherwise).
    [email protected]
    Okay. Listen to this, then. I had this dream. ? And in it, I lost your email address. I mean really lost it. I ran through my whole hard disk and it had gone. Completely. And I couldn’t seem to remember what it was. I was trying, oh, I don’t know - every surname in the l phone book - sending emails in this mad frenzy. And no-one responded. Every one came back. Then I woke up - as one does - and I thought ‘this is crazy!’. This is just some guy I swap emails with. Probably with a face, scrub that. We’ve done that bit, haven’t we! Anyhow, the point is that if I’m having ridiculous dreams about guys who don’t even really exist (bodily speaking) then I really should pluck up the courage and call it a day with Phil, right?
    [email protected]
    Dear Charlie,
    You said it. But, for God’s sake, get on with it, will you? Life is far too short to waste your time on anything that doesn’t make you happy. Oh, and how about this - I read it just this morning, and I thought of you (it’s a quote by Colleen McCulloch); ‘the lovely thing about being forty is that you can appreciate 25 year old men more’. So it makes sense, doesn’t it? Do it. Do it now. Then you’ll

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