Void Wraith (The Void Wraith Trilogy Book 2)

Void Wraith (The Void Wraith Trilogy Book 2) by Chris Fox Page A

Book: Void Wraith (The Void Wraith Trilogy Book 2) by Chris Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Fox
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were powerful, but rare. They were secretive about their numbers, but he'd guess there couldn't be more than a hundred thousand remaining. Their colonies had long been abandoned, and they'd retreated all the way to Theras Prime, the world the First Light was currently orbiting.
    "As the hosting navigator, I call this conclave to order. Endari of the Fist of Endari and Kayton of the Rising Star sit in witness," Celendra's clear voice echoed through the room as she gestured first at the grey-skinned Primo, and then the purple. Dryker realized the timing wasn't a coincidence, as she was staring in his direction. She must have been waiting for him before starting. "I have called this conclave to discuss the threat posed by the Void Wraith, and to decide how our people can best respond."
    "I have still seen no evidence that these Void Wraith even exist," Endari said, eyeing Celendra sharply. His grey skin had a waxy look Dryker had seen on the oldest Primo aboard the First Light . "You've presented a primitive recording contributed by a lesser race. Surely you don't believe that worthy of a conclave."
    Soft gasps whispered through the ranks of the Primo, and Celendra's eyes narrowed. Her voice was frosty when she spoke. "Do not mock me, Endari. I have irrefutable proof that the Void Wraith exist, and that proof has been made available to you. In addition, I offer testimony from eyewitnesses."
    Dryker knew a cue when he saw one. He strode forward, walking onto the large, empty disk. All eyes were on him as he mounted the steps up to the raised dais, clearly intended for a speaker to address the conclave.
    "The 'testimony' you offer comes from the same source as the recordings," Endari protested. He gazed down at the conclave, finding support from more than a few Primos. "Are we to listen to the theories and ramblings of lesser races now?"
    "Let the human speak." The purple-skinned figure--the one called Kayton--finally spoke, his voice deep and gravelly. "We can judge for ourselves whether this is worthy of a conclave. I, for one, find the presented evidence disturbing. We cannot know if this new race is, in fact, the Void Wraith. Yet their technology is clearly derived from our own, and must therefore be investigated."
    "Very well, if you both wish it we will proceed with this foolishness," Endari said, waving dismissively at Celendra. "Speak, human. Give us your limited understanding of galactic events."
    "The Void Wraith are real, but I don't expect you to believe that," Dryker said, turning slowly atop the dais. He looked from Primo to Primo, a sea of emotionless faces. Tough crowd. "The data core I provided to Celendra contains something that should concern you far more: it shows an attack on one of your libraries, an attack perpetrated by your own people. I asked her to wait until today to show you that data, because it proves that at least some of your people are working with the Void Wraith."
    "Lies," Endari barked. "Our people would never attack a library, not for any reason. Libraries are sacred. If one were attacked, it could only be by lesser races, and we would easily repel them."
    "See for yourself," Celendra said, coldly.
    She gestured, and the entire dome displayed a holographic image. It was a familiar scene, one that evoked painful memories. Three Primo carriers launching fighters to fire on the Johnston , then the Johnston speeding away toward the star. Behind them, more fighters attacked the Primo library. Plasma beams scored its pristine surface, and the damage worsened as the Johnston retreated. Then the library exploded in a wave of intense white light. The dome went translucent again.  
    "Why have you waited until now to show us this?" Kayton asked. He leaned toward Celendra, almost threateningly.
    "Because of what it means," Celendra said. "Dryker is right. We have been infiltrated by the Void Wraith. It is possible that some of the people in this room are actively working to destroy our race."

Chapter 14-

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