Wages of Sin
first, then another, reducing her shrieks to moans.
    But worse was to follow. Even through the heavy material she could hear Fletcher’s lascivious chuckle. ‘Not so frisky now, are you, madam?’ he sneered. She felt his rampant cock press against her aching bottom and whimpered at what was to come. She began to struggle again, but all that did was push her body harder against Cooper’s, exciting him, too.
    Hands wrenched at her thighs, pulling them apart, then there was a moment of fierce pain as he thrust himself into her, stretching the soft flesh. Hot and rigid, he pushed inside her, grunting as he rammed his prick as deep as it would go. Knees bent, fingers digging viciously into her hips, he jerked and thrust, his cock sliding in and out, faster and faster. She moaned again as each movement pushed her against Cooper, her tender breasts scraping against his coarse leather jerkin, even through the material of her skirts.
    Fletcher gave one last heave and she whimpered as his hot seed spurted inside her. Then, with a grunt of satisfaction he slowly withdrew.
    But her ordeal wasn’t over yet.
    â€˜My turn now,’ panted Cooper. She staggered away from him as he released her, but her freedom was illusory. A push sent her spinning and she stumbled backwards and fell amongst the hay, the harsh stems pricking her tender skin. She tried to free her arms and pull her skirts from round her head, but he fell on her like a ravening beast.
    Grabbing her ankles he hauled her towards him, and pulled her legs over his shoulders, leaving her body open and vulnerable to the harsh fingers that plundered her. For a few moments he savoured the hot wetness of her, still dripping with Fletcher’s seed, then he took his swollen cock in hand and guided it into her, his buttocks pumping as he took her furiously, groaning with pleasure. For the second time she was ravaged, her world reduced to blackness and revulsion as his unwashed body pounded hers.
    He spent himself, shuddering and moaning and his heavy weight rolled off her. She lay there, used and beaten, waiting for what might come next.
    Whatever they chose to do, she could not stop them. Hopeless tears leaked from her eyes.
    Then the sudden noise of hooves, clattering in the inn yard, broke the spell and she heard Fletcher and Cooper swear beneath their breath. There was the brief sound of feet as they melted back into the night and then she was alone.
    Stiffly she sat up, freed herself from her tangled skirts and pulled them down to hide her aching, welted body. Holding on to the side of Alexander’s stall, she pulled herself to her feet and stood there swaying as the door to the stables was pushed open and the innkeeper came in, leading the horse of some traveller who had been delayed on his journey by the foul weather.
    He took one look at her and dropped the reins. ‘My lady,’ he gasped. ‘Are you all right? What happened?’
    She stared at him dully. What was the point of telling him the truth? What could he do? Fletcher and Cooper would never have dared to treat her as they had, had they not been sanctioned by her stepfather. Sir Thomas had bested her again.
    â€˜I stumbled and fell,’ she lied. ‘I must have hit my head against the stall, but I am fine now.’ She forced a smile. ‘A glass of your excellent wine and I shall be fully recovered.’
    â€˜Here, take my arm, my lady,’ he insisted. ‘Lest you stumble again.’
    She allowed him to help her back to the inn, grateful for his assistance, her thighs still weak from the savagery of the treatment she had received. At least tomorrow she would reach the safety of the convent and she need never see Fletcher or Cooper again.
    Hatred washed through her. Her stepfather had called her a whore, and that was exactly how she’d been treated. She smiled bitterly. No, that was not quite true, was it? They had treated her worse than any whore. At least a

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