Wanted By The Billionaire Wolf (Heroes of Shifter Creek 4)
decided to “get in on the ground floor of a good thing”, as he put it. Truth be told, I had always had a little bit of a crush on Harry, but I didn’t think he would look twice at a woman like me. He probably spent his time hanging out with twenty-something supermodels. Probably on a yacht. Probably somewhere far, far away from my grey office.
    It was the first time we’d met since the divorce, as he wanted to come in and talk to me about the next year’s releases, to have a look over what we were planning to publish. He was pretty knowledgeable about books, so I liked sharing my passion with him, but he was usually pretty uptight and always seemed to be in a hurry. Nonetheless, I was looking forward to getting the chance to stare blatantly at my handsome older man for a while. He was good-looking in that old-fashioned, Hollywood-star kind of way, with a strong jaw and close-cropped dark hair that made his hazel eyes glow. The complete opposite to Patrick, maybe he was what I would need to distract myself from striking out so dramatically that morning.
    When he arrived, bang on three, I was already standing up behind my desk, fluffing my hair and plastering a big grin on my face. No need to make the big man feel like he wasn’t wanted now, was there? He opened the door and walked in, matching my grin, and extended his hand.
    “Kelly Holmes. Always a pleasure.”
    “Not Holmes any more,” I corrected him, sitting down. “I got divorced.”
    “Oh?” His ears seemed to prick up with interest. Why did he care so much?
    “Yeah, a couple of months ago. I’ve been focusing on work since then, so I’ve got lots to tell you about our new releases…” I went into my drawer, shuffling around papers to find our schedules, when I felt his eyes boring into me. I stopped what I was doing and looked up at him.
    “Everything okay, Harry?”
    “Yes, I’m just…surprised that a woman like you would be single for more than a few seconds at a time,” he murmured. His soft tone sent a shiver down my spine; damn, was he flirting with me?
    “Maybe I’ve just decided that I don’t want to date anyone right now,” I shot back. I was a little annoyed at his assumption.
    “I suppose you might have.” He nodded.
    “I’m perfectly self-sufficient, thanks very much,” I replied brusquely, even though a spark of interest had shot through my body. Did he want me? I knew that I wanted him, and that there wouldn’t be anyone more impressive to show off than a hot, mega-rich bachelor.
    “I’m sure you are,” he smiled, allowing his gaze to drift down to the shirt I’d unconsciously unbuttoned a notch before he arrived. Ugh, I couldn’t have made it more obvious that I wanted him. All I had to do now was chew seductively on a pen and lean across the desk and I would be living out every dumb office-porn cliché in the book. But something about his suggestive talk, and the chemistry that had suddenly crackled into life between us, made me want to embrace those tropes and go for it.
    “So, shall we look over the schedule?” I asked, trying to shake those thoughts from my head. Those were not things I needed to have clouding my judgment when I was in a meeting with one of our major investors.
    “Of course,” Harry nodded, shifting his chair closer to mine. “Do you mind if I pull the blinds shut? There’s some glare coming in from outside.”
    I nodded, and he reached over and tugged at the pull string, covering all the windows immediately. We were alone in our own little cocoon, and I glanced at him sideways as he walked back over to me.
    “There, that’s better, isn’t it?” He smiled as he placed himself down opposite me again, reaching over to pick up his copy of the schedule. “So, what have you got on offer for us today?”
    His knee brushed up against my bare leg, and I felt my breath catch in my mouth. Oh, it was difficult to fight the temptation to slide my hand up his thigh and grip at the erection I could

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