War Against the Mafia
    Bolan nodded. "I think so," he said curtly.
    "Besides, these girls getting fifty to a hundred bucks a toss get to thinking they got a gold-plated ass or something. I don't really like 'em. When I feel like cutting up a little, I go down to one o' my houses."
    "You have those, too," Bolan observed wryly.
    "Oh, sure. Really, I understand that end of things a lot better." Turrin grinned. "I
it better. That end is run entirely different. We got a madam for each house, just like the olden times. She runs her own books. We keep her supplied in girls, she runs the house, runs her own books, and feeds the money back in to the field man in her district. She works on commission, too, just like the field man, and he gets an override on everything she makes."
    "Sounds like very big business," Bolan commented.
    "You'll find out just how big," Turrin replied, "if you stick close to your C.O. Listen, we got ten women who do nothing but recruit girls. And you'd be surprised where we get some of them from. College campuses, factories, office buildings-" He raised his eyebrows, "-suburban
one gal we took on last month had just come off her honeymoon. We got chorus girls, models, would-be actresses and even some part-timers who really
actresses. Listen, every woman who
a woman has got at least a little whorin' streak in her. A lot of our call girls are part-timers. You know-they do other things, too.
of our party girls are part-timers, moonlighters. Hell, some of 'em wouldn't say
if they was getting gang-banged. Nicey-nice, you know- but not too damn nice to pick up some extra coin here'n there." Turrin frowned. "For
part, I'll take the good old honest whore. Well-" He paused, frowning even deeper. "You'll go outta your mind with the turnover we got in this business, Sarge. Understand something, and make sure you understand it. We have no competition in this town. Or anywhere around. If a girl is selling it within fifty miles of where you're standing, then she's selling for the organization and she's working for
    "I'm glad I understand that," the executioner said brusquely.
    "Yeah- well, we don't even allow no amateurs to operate. We bust 'em fast, damn fast-and they either join our team or they get the hell out. That means we gotta fill the demand if we don't want a big payroll of nothing but broad-busters. I mean, there's no profit in that sort of thing. You understand that. I want you to understand me too, Sarge. I might not talk Yale or Harvard, but I'm a businessman and I know my business and I run my business all the way. Understand? All the way. No loose gooses around here, and just because I'm a good guy
of the time don't mean I'm an idiot. You better understand that. And just because I
you don't mean I won't
you if you get outta line. You got that understanding?"
    "I have that understanding."
    "All right. You understand this, too. It's more profitable to keep the demand filled than to run around bustin' amateurs and chiselers. We got the high class hotels and motels pretty well covered with our computer call girl services, and we even got a few high class clubs and dining rooms as clients. But we got walking girls, too- we call 'em field girls. They operate strictly free-lance, some of 'em using their own pad as home base, and we trust 'em to play their finances square with us. We spot-check from time to time, but generally we use the honor system with the walking girls. They cover the little bars and clubs and some of 'em even serve as house girls for the crummy little hotels. We let 'em operate and we give 'em the protection of the organization. But they all belong to us. Understand that. Every damn one of them. Get the picture?"
    "I get it," Bolan assured him.
    "We treat our girls good. No strong-arm stuff as long as they keep in line. And we don't try to own 'em. They want to get out, they get out-but once out, they stay out, and they all know that. They're working for

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