War of Hearts, A Historical Romance
elaborate table
settings. There were more utensils next to her one plate than her
family owned.
    “Did you rest well?” the Colonel asked.
    “Very much so, thank you for the
    Tristan leaned forward. “I am sorry for your
loss. Surely you have other family?”
    Sarah’s eyes welled up with tears; not all
of them were false. “There’s no one. This wretched war has taken
them all.” Three handkerchiefs were instantly presented and she
accepted the nearest one.
    Unfortunately she didn’t notice the ink
splatters until after she dabbed her eyes. Her glance at Tristan
trying to hide a grin, confirmed her suspicions. She had just wiped
ink on her face.
    “Ryan!” the Colonel scolded.
    “I am so sorry miss, ma’am, missus,” Ryan
stuttered. “Let me help.”
    “I will take care of the lady,” Tristan
said, already kneeling next to Sarah’s chair. Even with him on his
knees, they were practically eye-to-eye.
    “No need,” Sarah said, trying to rise.
    “Shhh,” Tristan replied, dipping his
kerchief in the water goblet. With no other choice, she closed her
eyes and Tristan placed the damp cloth to her face, gently dabbing
here and there. He was so close she could feel his warm breath wash
over her and a shiver ran down her spine.
    She felt him move back and she opened her
eyes to stare into his blue ones. “Barely noticeable,” he assured
    “I’ve dealt with much worse.”
    “Have you?” Tristan inquired with worry.
    She was rescued by the first course being
brought to the table. “Delicate lobster bisque,” the cook
    Her stomach growled in reminder of her
hunger and she blushed brilliantly. Tristan watched her closely
from across the table and she shyly returned to her food. She
wasn’t sure why she so was so nervous around him. She was used to
being surrounded by men, a good many of them naked at that! So why
was this different?  Of course there was the whole spy thing,
but she hadn’t learned any war altering secrets yet. No, this was
different, something more instinctive.
    She looked down at the array of silverware
before her. She wasn’t quite sure which spoon to use and decided to
wait until the others started to eat. She looked up noticing they
were waiting for her to eat first.
    Tristan, seeing her hesitation, picked up
the spoon on his far right and lifted it with a wink. Sarah
followed suit and took a tentative sip of the broth. It was
delicious; she nodded her approval and the men started to eat as
    As Sarah ate the men resumed their
conversation. She expected it to turn to war, after all what else
was there to discuss?
    “Since we have a lady in our midst, I think
it is a grand time to throw a ball. I haven’t been to a good bash
since Christmas,” the Colonel exclaimed.
    Sarah dropped her spoon in surprise. “Oh, I
just couldn’t. I’m not even sure where I’ll be staying. And with
the loss of Aunt Margaret, it just doesn’t seem right.”
    “Well you will be staying here of course. We
have plenty of room,” Tristan spoke up, his rich full voice drawing
her eyes to his lips. His eyes met hers and she looked down at her
    “Not to sound ungrateful, but I do not think
it is suitable to be housed with men. Surely there must be
someplace else.”
    Tristan guffawed. “With the city thick with
soldiers, any boarding home would be swamped with men as well.
Moreover, I cannot guarantee their character. As I can my own.”
    She raised an eyebrow at him remembering
their earlier encounter in his bedroom. She did trust him, purely
for the fact that Robert vouched for him. She so wanted to tell him
that Robert was alive and well, but that would give too much
    “I suppose I can stay the night, and then
revisit my options. I need to get my horse. Do you have a
    “We have a paddock for our horses. I will
see that yours is cared for.”
    “No need, I’ll take care of Molly myself.
And I will pay you for the board.”
    A large steak

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