because of the drivers’ temporary blindness.
“What have I unleashed?” Keen asked no one in particular.
“My guess would be Ares himself,” Rhodes answered. “Thankfully, we are in his domain.”
“What do you mean?” Keen looked at Rhodes.
“Ares, or Mars , depending on the myth you read, was very protective of his family and children. I think Addison has that quality. Think about it. When we were not in his ‘fold’, he had no mercy or feeling toward us. Once we threw our lot in with him, he has protected us as well as he does Aeolis.”
“Yes, that’s true. I’m going to have to study up on that mythology of yours,” Keen said.
“General Taps, we have restored communications with Mars,” Dr. Pan said to the man in shackles and an orange tunic. Would you like to explain your actions? Or should we should use disruptors to question you?”
“I would like…” Taps began.
“I have a better idea, General,” Pan interrupted him. “How about I show you a vid we received?”
The video began with the battle at Aeolis. After that battle, the videos of Diomedes One and Diomedes Two being destroyed played. No hint of the HAWC suit or the technology used to destroy the vessels was visible. After the last explosion whited out the video screen, an image of Cort’s FALCON suit appeared.
“My name is Cortland Addison. I am the leader and protector of the Pack Addison. Since my trusts legally purchased the Aeolis site from the Atlantic Alliance, Atlantica has launched five separate attacks on both Aeolis and Oxia Palus.”
Cort’s image was replaced by Keen’s. “I am Dave Keen. I am the legally elected Governor of the Mars colony Oxia Palus. As a result of the first two attacks Mr. Addison mentioned, I exercised my authority as Governor to enter into a mutual defense pact with the Aeolis colony. That pact was then ratified by a near unanimous vote of our colony. Following the three later attacks by Atlantica, another emergency vote was held.”
Keen’s expression became cold as he said, “Oxia Palus hereby declares its independence from Earth. All people on our planet hereby renounce our citizenship of Atlantica.” Keen paused. “And Earth.”
Cort’s image appeared again. “Governor Keen has accepted the role of head of state for the Ares Federation. I am our military leader. Dar Sike is our appointed ambassador to Earth. I will leave it to others to handle the diplomacy of our actions. Keen will handle the politics of them. I will protect my planet.”
“Any vessel entering our orbit that was not launched by our facilities and inspected by Ambassador Sike’s staff will be destroyed. I will not attempt communications. I will not accept excuses. Any vessel which does not meet these requirements will cease to exist. Any satellite. Any freighter. Any colonist. Mars is now an independent planet. Further, until an approved formal agreement is ratified by all three major alliances on Earth, the Ares Federation is in a state of war with Atlantica.”
Keen appeared again. “Any questions you have will be answered by Ambassador Sike.” The video ended.
Taps stared at the blank screen in shock. Pan spoke. “General Taps, that message was broadcast to our entire planet. Both of the other major alliances have since recognized Mars as an independent planet, and The Ares Federation as an independent nation. The Asianic Alliance has already submitted a draft trade agreement and extended special diplomatic status to all of Addison’s representatives and property in Atlantica. Your actions have killed several hundred Atlantans. As Mars was the only other potentially habitable planet in our solar system, you set human colonization back by centuries, if not millennia. You have also started the first interplanetary war in human history. Do you have anything to say in your defense?”
Taps was silent.
Three days
K.J. Emrick
Jeremy Narby
Joseph Wambaugh
Martin Edwards
Rick Yancey
Helen Fitzgerald
Liz Fichera
Johanna Lindsey
Ken Follett
Andy McDermott