meaningful intelligence, of which the Outfit surely had a good deal, and the operation was almost a complete failure. His men swept the rubble for anything valuable anyway. They were also using handheld devices to fingerprint and do retinal scans every Outfit man they could find. They would be checked against the database of known Outfit people to make sure they got them all. They were especially trying to find the body of the CEO Alvin Prinz. Unfortunately many bodies were completely buried in the rubble and may never be dug out. But he was thorough and followed orders completely. That was how he had become the commander of Zeta Force, the elite of the Red Berets. The elite of the elite. Tom smiled to himself. Not bad for a Polish kid from Chicago. He had excelled on the football field playing linebacker for the Chicago Bears. His ferocity and tenaciousness had gotten him noticed by the Army recruiters and they had sent him to basic training. His utter loyalty to the regime and his brutality in combat training had gotten him selected for Red Beret training. He had quickly risen in the ranks as he completed each mission without hesitation or failure. The Red Berets were sometimes called the Bloody Berets behind their backs. The legend was that they dyed white berets red with the blood of their first kill. It wasn’t true, but the Red Berets were known for the unwillingness to retreat, as well as their brutality and lack of restraint. They finished the job or didn’t come back. They were the elite special forces of the U.S.T.G. and they were sent into difficult and sometimes secret situations. They were the scalpel to the Army’s hammer. Thousands tried out every year, but only three hundred or so made it; and some of them were removed because they weren’t willing to go as far as necessary to be a Red Beret. Tom had risen even further to become the commander of the Zeta Force. He had a reputation as one of the most dedicated and loyal officers in the Army. He was also well known for his cool headedness under fire and his complete lack of fear. He had gathered similar people around him to serve under him. They were truly the best soldiers in the world, and they had proven it again by wiping out the Outfit. They were equipped with the latest technology that the U.S.T.G. could get its hands on or manufacture. They all had advanced Tetsudo 3 body armor that had been produced during the Collapse for Force Protection units. It was lighter than Kevlar with just as much stopping power and it also had the secondary function of camouflaging their heat signature. And it also covered the arms and legs in addition to the torso. Nothing short of a 20mm cannon round could penetrate it. A helmet with an attached face mask that sealed for nuclear, chemical, or biological attacks completed the armor. Although, most of the time they left that off and just used a neoprene facemask. The armor matched their BDUs and was covered in digital pattern desert camouflage, which made sense now that everything was brown. He and his troops had just been issued the new M-18 Infantry Combat Weapons from the new plant in the restarted Springfield Armory. The M-18 ICW program encompassed a series of weapons for various roles based on the same lower receiver. Barrels, the upper receiver, and accessories could be swapped out to create the right weapon for the mission. Much of the weapon was made from composite materials, and the whole thing was made on state of the art commercial 3-D printers. It replaced all rifles and machine guns previously used by the army and it was more accurate, had a higher rate of fire, and was easier to maintain. Eventually the entire Army and Federal Police force would get the new weapons, but for now only the elite forces were armed with it. He watched as his handpicked troops searched through the ruins for anything useful. There was Lieutenant Rosarita “Rosa” Martinez, his second in