We Ended Up Together

We Ended Up Together by Veronica Makers Page A

Book: We Ended Up Together by Veronica Makers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Makers
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    "Tell me this: when you imagine our future what do you see? Because I sure as hell have no idea where we go from here," Chloe confessed.
    "I guess you're right. But what can we do?" James asked with a shrug.
    "I want a divorce," Chloe stated. James raised his eyebrows as he looked at her like she was crazy.
    "That's not going to happen," James declared with assurance.
    "Why not? We are both unhappy," Chloe argued, as she threw her hands in front of her.
    "Think of what that would do to your parents, my parents, and me. It would be humiliating," James explained as if it were obvious. It was hard to control his anger as it boiled through his veins.
    "I don't care James. You don't control me," Chloe argued raising her voice once more.
    "Hey, I'm just looking out for you. You know what society we're part of and divorce is not acceptable," James lectured hoping she would remember that and stay. Chloe just rolled her eyes.
    "James, I'm done with this lifestyle. I'm tired of living up to everyone else's standards. I've never liked this," Chloe explained. James just stared at her in disbelief.
    "Don't do this Chloe," James begged.
    "I have to," Chloe stated timidly.
    "No, I'm telling you not to," James demanded, furiously.
    "You can't tell me what to do anymore. I can make my own decisions," Chloe said calmly.
    "Don't go," James pleaded. He knew he was over the line with the cheating, but to have her leave wouldn't do him any good.
    "I'll send you the divorce papers, James," Chloe stated. Then she pushed past him like a turnstile as he stood there stunned. Chloe opened her car door and climbed inside.
    She turned the keys in the ignition, when suddenly there was a tap on her window. Chloe pressed the button to roll the window down. James crouched down to talk to her.
    "Where are you going?" he asked.
    "I don't know yet. All I know is that anywhere is better than here," Chloe answered with a small smile. With that she rolled the window up. James stepped away from the car.
    Chloe drove away leaving James standing alone in the snowy clearing.
    Chloe drove back to New York City unsure of what to do. She felt slightly panicked not knowing where to go.
    Chloe decided to go back to her apartment, but not for long. If James did follow her, she didn't want to talk to him at this point in time.
    She arrived at the apartment and went up the many flights of stairs, still living with the slight phobia of elevators. When she unlocked the door and walked inside, the atmosphere felt much colder and uninviting than usual. It was dead silent; the only sound came from Chloe's footsteps against the floor.
    Chloe threw her keys onto the coffee table. Suddenly the sound of the phone ringing broke the silence. Chloe jumped in shock, putting her hand over her pounding heart.
    When her breathing had calmed down she picked up the phone.
    "Hello?" Chloe answered.
    "Chloe Etienne, what the hell do you think you are doing young lady?" Chloe knew right away the furious voice of her father.
    "I went home," Chloe replied, nervously.
    "Don't you get smart with me. What makes you think you can divorce James?" Philip asked. "Your mother and I worked hard to set up this life for you and this is how you repay us, by disgracing our family?"
    "Daddy, I'm sorry but I can't stay married to him. I don't love him," Chloe responded on the verge of tears.
    "Don't you care what everyone thinks?" Philip asked, still angry.
    "No I don't. I can't live this way and I don't know why you want me to," Chloe explained. She listened as her father let out a breath of air.
    "Chloe, either you stay with him or you will have to find your own money for a divorce," Philip explained.
    "I guess I'm getting a job then," Chloe answered.
    "Where are you going to live?" Philip enquired.
    "I don't know but anywhere is better than here. Tell James not to try and find me. I'll talk to him later," Chloe stated. She walked over to get ready to hang up the phone.
    "I hope you realize that I'm

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